this movie blows

this movie blows


i always really liked this movie. i used to watch it over and over again when i was a youth.

"Years go by and people grow. I realized it's all a freakshow"


What Sixties are they remembering?! This is so off the mark for the time period that it's extremely irritating to this Baby Boomer!

"Busted!"~I do not recall THAT being part of everyday slang! They also have other slang out of place in their sloppy writing! People who create historical and/or time travel films should do their homework! If you don't know about the period, do not write about it! If you have no idea how to direct your actors in period behavior, get someone who knows about it! I recently saw a movie set in frontier days in which the lipglossed schoolteacher walked into the bar/restaurant, sat down and crossed her legs! NO! Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy...

The students' attitude in class: That was completely wrong! They're putting Nineties student behavior in the Sixties! Also, I don't think it was average for friends to "burn" each other. That seemed to come along into the Seventies.

Shame on them for not doing their research! They likely assumed that the average person wouldn't notice~which is sad if that's the case. I tuned in hoping for an interesting movie because time travel is one of my favorite topics. Instead, it was this hapharzardly written "Let's pretend this is a time travel movie only we won't sweat the details" movie!



Green's Slang Dictionary has bust meaning a break in or a raid dating from 1865, but the earliest reference to a police raid is from 1938. Later the word came to mean any arrest or criminal charge. This usage probably derives from burst meaning a burglary, which it dates from 1834.

60s....words I used....BUSTED....BOSS....BITCHIN.....HEAVY DUTY.....OUTSTANDING...FAR OUT.... people that smoked grass/dubies...were busted by the police at parties I went to.


I really like this movie, but I'm confused as to what year exactly was it suppose to be in the 60's. The music was kind of scattered. I thought of it as being circa 1958-1961. But I looked at the styles like the grandmother in the 1960's had a colorful band tied around her head holding back her hair. That seemed to be common for women around the late 60's and 70's.

The shoes looked like something more common for the 1950's. I thought penny loafers would be more common. The slang I thought seemed obvious for the time period even if it was words his friends never heard before.

Other than that I really like this movie.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather
