White People The Movie

From the outside looking in, the fact that so many white people relate to this movie is kind of disturbing. Certainly explains all the mass shootings lately.

Now look, I don't hate movies solely about white people and their problems, or movies that deconstruct the "typical" American nuclear family. I love American Beauty. But that movie was great for finding a universal truth. The message of this film, on the other hand? I feel left out. I can't understand why people with so much are so sad and lonely, not to mention self-absorbed and self-destructive. It's certainly not explained in the film, yet you guys seem to understand it intrinsically.

I won't call it pretentious just because I cannot relate to anyone or understand the absurdity of their actions because clearly, it's tapped into something. What is that something?

What is it about being well-off and white that makes you feel bored, depressed, and disconnected, and then take life for granted and use people or hurt them? What's the deal?


"What is it about being well-off and white that makes you feel bored, depressed, and disconnected, and then take life for granted and use people or hurt them? What's the deal?"

I think it's got to do with never wanting more out of life than what is typical. Not wanting more than a house, a job, and a family. Never finding the beauty and poetry of life. Some people simply exist, and I think people who are well off and have never had a struggle in their lives are more likely to fall victim to this way of life. It think this film captures it tremendously. Passionless people passing their boredom down to their children, and the children get the bad end of it.


Well said and very true , especially to Fairfield county gold coasters.
"You work your side of the street, and I'll work mine"


White people, like any other race, are diverse in their lifestyles and attitudes. If you thought these messed up lives were confined to any race, you have a lot to learn.

To think this film is about white people in general is like me watching "Straight out of Compton" and thinking all black people are like that.

You need to get out more.


Considering the film is directed by a minority, I don't find your statement to be all that relevant.


The film presents a small microcosm of white people set in a specific time in history. That’s it. 1973 was a long time ago


Not everything needs explaining. Just watch it for what it is. Come up with your own conclusions. Not all white people are the same, so I can't help you understand why these people do the things they do.


Yeah, but nothing more violent, perverse, lazy and gross than black culture


I bet you're an upper middle class white poser driving around in the German car your daddy bought for you. I know the cliché when I hear/read it


Liberal douchebag, the post.
