Barry's Balcony Scene ( spoilers )

After Sarah Michelle Gellers stands up and screams at the man slashing Barry, not one person looks up at what she's screaming at. Instead the block her path and surround her. Such a stupid scene, Especially with the lack of blood up there when the police go up to check.


Yes, that's probably the worst scene of the movie for me. Why not have the theatre so crowded, people are standing in the aisles and she can't get passed them. Or have someone from the pageant try to stop her. This was just dumb.


I agree, I also wish they gave him a cooler death scene in general, that was weak. Sarah Michelle Gellar's was decent at least.


To be fair and honest, both Barry and Helen would have benefited from much more better murder scenes. They are both fairly bloodless.


You didn't think Helen's murder scene was good enough? How about the whole chase scene leading up to it? Does the murder itself have to be so explicit?


Nope. It doesn't have to be explicit. Cici's murder was more than bloody enough. I liked the chase scene.


It doesn't have to be explicit.

Okay, I got the impression that you thought they could be improved because of the lack of blood. So how do you think their death scenes could otherwise be improved?


Not really sure to be fair. Barry's murder was horrible because everyone was right there. Yet no one could hear his (lack of) screams? Plus he was taken by surprise and stood little to no chance of survival. Same goes for Helen. She was so close to safety and she still got cut down and hacked up.


Barry's murder was horrible because everyone was right there. Yet no one could hear his (lack of) screams?

I could buy nobody hearing him because it was rather noisy. But if Helen could see him and was even pointing and yelling at him, why didn't anybody else even look in his direction?

Same goes for Helen. She was so close to safety and she still got cut down and hacked up.

What I hate about that scene is how she stops and turns around to look if the killer is behind her, even though her escape is only a few steps away. She should've just turned her head.


They should have left Helen's chase scene alone and kept it to the original shooting script. After falling through the second story window and composing herself she runs in a direction that leads her to a high chain link fence that she cannot cross over. She then back tracks and passes by the back exterior of Shiver's again however she keeps her eye on the second story window and doesn't notice that the back door is now slightly ajar hinting that the fisherman is now in the alley. He ends up jumping out at her from the stack of tires and kills her dead on instead of her stopping in her tracks to turn around. I do think the movie murder of Helen is more effective. How she gets tossed back and forth in the stacks of tires and actually tries to fight the fisherman before succombing to her attack. In the original shooting script the fisherman jumps out and guts her dead on creating an instantaneous death

There is the link to the original script. It's from March 1997. It's quite a good read. More dialogue, more parental characters, and much more character development than what we see in the movie. Barry is suicidal and Helen is a pill popper. Ray and Helen actually Co verse with each other!


That original chase scene seems pretty good and they still could've made the murder itself more effective like in the movie.

I haven't read the script yet, but I do recall Barry once having tried to commit suicide. Those character developments sound really interesting. I wonder why they dropped that.


Seems like every scary / killer movie has a scene like that where something disappears and leaves no trace or evidence. After all it's a movie and they can do whatever they want. In reality they would've seen blood / evidence something happened. They should add a scene into that movie that shows the killer with a mop and bucket and is hurrying to clean up the scene while they're holding her in place. Lol


haha, yes! Have u seen Scary movie1? The producers must have thought the same!
