Weird ending

Can anyone explain the tacked on ending with an actress (not Parker Posey) dressed up as Jackie O telling Marty she wants to end the game? Marty is dead, and the girl (actress) is new to the film, so what on earth is going on? Help!


that was meant to be the young marty and jackie.


That is them playing a game when they were much younger. like the start of the movie. But I guess they were just about to kiss or something.


Thanks to the two people who cleared up my confusion about the "weird ending." Gotta love these Boards!


That girl was rachel leigh cook!


The ending proves that Marty initiated the first sexual encounter when they were teenagers. Jackie-O was the reluctant one. This shows that Marty's actions were a very big part of Jackie-O's mental instability.


No it does not
