Was it just me or ...

did everyone feel like smacking Bernice in the face with a shovel ?

Most annoying kid character since Mercury Rising.


Like we need your support...


When she cries her eyes out as her Daddy gets in his car & drives away - I just lose it & start (the whole chest heaving type of) crying!!


That is an unforgettable scene my wife and I still talk about. That poor little girl is just completely inconsolable as her dad drives away. For a scene to be that effective, one can only wonder at how it was made possible.


She said in an interview a long time ago that she thought about all the people that died on the Titanic and that made her cry.

Made Ya Look!,


I do too. I just can't help it. My own father was as selfish as hers, choosing his new wife over his daughter. The difference is, her father at least says that he loves her and will always want her (no matter if it isn't really true). Mine never said that.

Also, I've seen an interview with Sandra Bullock who discusses that scene, and she said that the girl improvised that whole scene, and that Sandra's response was to walk down the front walk and pick the girl up hold her in her arms.

That little girl was a fabulous actress.

And she wasn't annoying. She (the character) was hurt and confused about everything going on. She hated the small town, she hated that her mother was so disconnected from everything, she missed her dad, and she really didn't understand why her parents split up. Add to that, she was being bullied at school and no one would do anything about it, at school or at home. No one seemed to believe it was as serious as it was. So she probably felt abandoned not only by her father, but her mother as well, and in part, her grandmother.

So to me, her behavior and attitude was understandable.


In some occasion, yes.

But isn't that the case with every child, once in a while ;-)


I only found it annoying when she was being rude to Justin and neither Birdee nor the Grandmother told her to stop being rude to their guest. Why don't kids in movies or on TV get reprimanded for being rude to either adults or other kids? I don't mean just getting told to stop ("That's enough!") but actually told to correct their behavior.


Yes, her mother did tell her to stop! But those were the funniest scenes. Her comedic timing impressed me more than her crying.


Yes. Yes, I did. She was rude and hateful. Of course she was having a horrific time going through the breakup of her family. But still...she was rude and hateful.


As annoying as Bernice was to Justin, it's far more understandable that she'd be rude to the guy making moves on her mom than to her mom herself; she was nasty to her Mom sometimes and that's what the OP meant I think. However, she was still a child, not at all a bad one, and the scene later on with her dad was just awful.

She thought of the Titanic?? Oh wow.


Yes!! Shovel indeed!! Ugh!! Thought that when I watched 15 yrs ago and still think that as I watch this very minute. Can not stand that kid!!


Yes!! Shovel indeed!! Ugh!! Thought that when I watched 15 yrs ago and still think that as I watch this very minute. Can not stand that kid!!
