John Cusack's role

How big is John Cusack's role? Is it a brief appearance, a supporting role or is does he play the main character?



Thanks lbjamesl. I guess now I can save the 24.99 €.


it's still worth the price, it's one of those movies you definitely can't judge until you sit down and take the time to watch it.

9/10 IMO



No-one in the film (besides the driver) lasts much more than a few minutes. It's based on a play that used montages to portray these fares. If it had been different, it wouldn't have worked.



I hope you guys understand who he was playing.
John cusack was basicly playing the devil himself.
And i think the last man in cab for the movie was supposed to be god.
And no im not religious.


I hope you guys understand who he was playing.
John cusack was basicly playing the devil himself.
And i think the last man in cab for the movie was supposed to be god.

the whole movie is an allegory

in reading a lot of comments on IMDB about movies it is obvious
that is lost on a lot of people, blame it on education? up bringing? who knows.

and im not religious

neither am I, but I love existential stories that deal with that subject
