
Didn't care for this dude at all. Was I supposed to? He was a schmuck. Oh Mr. Lohhhng Hair, I'll sum up the movie a bit.
"I work on race cars, I said I work on race cars. Then I make my way into my brother's household because he's helping me out get back on my feet after I was released from prison, then he gets me a job working with him. What do I do? I sleep with his wife because he's at work, because I switched my shift because god forbid, I ran into my dad at work and I had to have a heart to heart convo with him, what a dissapointment he is, he can't live up to my grease monkey dream of driving race cahs in florida. So here I am, working the late shift and now I can work on my friggin cah and then yes, sleep with my brothers wife some more. Don't even think enough of wearing protection, and what happens she gets pregnant. I got this pretty nice peice of ass after me,(Amanda Peet) but what do I want, oh yeah, to sleep with my brother's wife. Besides Skully beat the ever lovin sheit out of me. Ok I go to the bar with them (Terry and his wife) they are a married couple and my brother is all over his wife, the nerve on that guy, I just sit at the bar and piss and moan in my mug of beer. While of all things, my brother makes more moves at the bar on his wife. Out of the hundreds of millions of women in the world, I only want Terry's woman, I only want Terry my brother's wife. But I hope he doesn't realize that, because I'll bang her till the end of time as long as he doesn't find out because I'm a selfish no good lil scumbag. Dear Diary, My dissapointment of a dad died at work today while I was banging my brother's wife again I just happened to show up to work to see him lying there& what happens, I blame the time clock at work and beat it to a pulp because it's the time clocks fault and my boss' fault my father passed away so I take a metal pipe and bust the clock in. It just shows how bad ass I am by busting this clock open. And then when all is said and done, my brother finds out I was sleeping with his wife and more than likely the child she was pregnant with was mine instead of his, if he's not hurt enough already what do I try to do? have her run off with me and just leave my brother behind in the dust wondering wtf? Because it just feels right for me"

what a selfish prick this guy is,What a friggin douchebag! Are we really supposed to care for this character in the movie? I found it quite funny when that whatever the guys name was had him at gunpoint near the end. Didn't care for this movie too much, sure it was worth a watch. I'd give it a 5/10



He was a jerk, a loser, a back stabber, a piece of trash. There was nothing likable about him and I gave it a four.
