MovieChat Forums > Snow White: A Tale of Terror (1997) Discussion > A Cautionary Tale...(Possible Spoilers)

A Cautionary Tale...(Possible Spoilers)

I just finished watching this movie in its entirety. I love it, except it seems like a cautionary tale of of post-partum depression. Yes, Sighourney Weaver was nuts, but she didn't go completely off the deep end until her baby died. Definitely a cautionary tale...


A mother's wrath can not be beat. And you cant bring out that wrath more than the death of a child. You almost feel bad for the Queen. She wanted nothing more than to be a good mother. When that was taken away.. she did let her anger take over.

*Flame Candy: Republicans are evil.*
Take the candy, you stupid Republican.


Makes you wonder more about that mirror. I mean it belonged to HER mother. What was she like? How evil was she!?!

There was alot to the movie that could have used some more depth. Especially Will and Lilli's relationship.


~ Maybe her mother was a very wicked witch that no one liked. I remember Claudia tell her mute brother what would mother say. Would she be happy or mad b/c she was always hated.

I always wanted to see more of Will & Lilli's relationship. They should added more.



Honey, from what I have read, you have probably never had to deal with anyone looking at you odd because you have been considered a conformist and have blended in with the rest of society. However, for those of us who refuse to do that, have been rebellious all of our lives, are considered different and tend to stick out and draw attention to ourselves whether we want to or not, we are considered odd to others and sometimes that means we are dispised by others, ususally out of some sort of demented jealousy on their part. What I always thought was strange about it is even though some may consider us odd people evil or whatever, we are usually the ones that make sure that the conformist are safe and preserve the freedoms that many share. I have been called everything from a slut (which is strange considering I have been celibid most of my life) to a witch (because I believe people have the right to believe what they want) and even evil and a trouble maker because I do not bow down to any one especially a man. I go to the beat of my own drum.

SO, before you assume that someone is evil, think about this: some people in the world are "hated" because they are different and people who are different do not care what others say and being different scares others, it has since the dawn of time, which I believe is jealousy of anything else. History has shown us that.

Oh, and Lilli and Wil's relationship? Wil being the age of about 30 and she being the age of about 18, I would say he is about a step away from being a pedophile which was acceptable then, but not now. If you want to know why I say that or how I can say that, I am a criminal profiler. I find it strange that you think it is all romantic about Wil and Lillie's relationship but are so vehement about the step mother. My advise, go back to school and open your mind a little, it will do you some good.


I totally understand what you're saying. But the stepmother was supposed to be evil. She killed her own brother. She poisoned her husband. She tried to have her 18 year old stepdaughter brutally murdered and then eat her heart. Nobody is misunderstanding her individuality for being evil. She is evil. I understand the whole "Oh my baby died pity me!" argument, but she went a little bit far. I don't understand how in being a criminal profiler you can get so worked up by an almost pedophile in a time when it was ok but you can ignore everything the stepmother did. But hey that's just me maybe I'm just a conformist.



Maybe you should use smaller words so that you don't make so many spelling errors. E.g., "celibid" instead of "celibate", "preditor" instead of "predator".I could go on, but my point is this: don't belittle others for what you see as their shortcomings when you so obviously have many yourself.


She wasn't belittling anyone, what she said was maybe if they opened their minds a little they'd see something a little bit different. What annoys me is when people like you act like open forums are a spelling tests. No one cares that much. It's the internet for crying out loud! As long as you get the point of what someone is trying to say, why bother?
It must give you some sort of pleasure to pick apart someone's post so you can say "I caught your mistakes!"
I hope imdb pays you for the important work you do here.
Oh, and go ahead and pick this apart. I really don't care.

Your idiocy is appalling.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ Double EL



Yeah, the stepmother was just being a "non conformist" when she killed her brother , her husband and Lars and tried multiple times to kill her stepdaughter. I really don't know where your whole response came from, but it doesn't make very much sense or seem to actually be in context to the movie itself. And the pedophile thing came way out of left field! Just enjoy the movie, it is a good one. :)

Playing the race card is fun! :)


Honey, from what I have read, you have probably never had to deal with anyone looking at you odd because you have been considered a conformist and have blended in with the rest of society. However, for those of us who refuse to do that, have been rebellious all of our lives, are considered different and tend to stick out and draw attention to ourselves whether we want to or not, we are considered odd to others and sometimes that means we are dispised by others, ususally out of some sort of demented jealousy on their part. What I always thought was strange about it is even though some may consider us odd people evil or whatever, we are usually the ones that make sure that the conformist are safe and preserve the freedoms that many share.

Truer words have never been said.


Honey, from what I have read, you have probably never had to deal with anyone looking at you odd because you have been considered a conformist and have blended in with the rest of society. However, for those of us who refuse to do that, have been rebellious all of our lives, are considered different and tend to stick out and draw attention to ourselves whether we want to or not, we are considered odd to others and sometimes that means we are dispised by others, ususally out of some sort of demented jealousy on their part. What I always thought was strange about it is even though some may consider us odd people evil or whatever, we are usually the ones that make sure that the conformist are safe and preserve the freedoms that many share. I have been called everything from a slut (which is strange considering I have been celibid most of my life) to a witch (because I believe people have the right to believe what they want) and even evil and a trouble maker because I do not bow down to any one especially a man. I go to the beat of my own drum.

SO, before you assume that someone is evil, think about this: some people in the world are "hated" because they are different and people who are different do not care what others say and being different scares others, it has since the dawn of time, which I believe is jealousy of anything else. History has shown us that.

Very well put, shannonphoenix.


Ita, Sunflower. It would've been nice to see the relationship develop a bit more, as well as her relationship with the dwarves. I wish they would release an extended version of this movie.


~ I wish that too.



So, back to the original post, before all of the crazy nastiness. This movie is A Cautionary depression?

Are you cautioning against getting pregnant? Heck, I'm all for that.(hehe)

Or do you mean, "I've got it (post-partum depression) and I should get psychiatric help"? I thought the kind of help they had in the renaissance or medieval times or whenever this movie is supposed to take place was worse than the problem. Knowing that, I don't know if I'd ask for help.

Btw, witches have never been understood. Wiccans are allowed to do things for themselves or advance their own causes, as long as what they do causes no harm. Lady Claudia was probably a simple wiccan using her arts to preserve her beauty and wanting a mother/daughter relationship with her stepdaughter who has idealized her dead mother... - Nothing wrong with that. It's only when she started using her arts for the "dark side" that she became a necromancer. And she became vewy, vewy baaaaad!

A great movie!


Maybe I'm just a little bit late, but oh well! I kind of suppose the topic more or less was in regard to just how post-partum depression can have a deadly effect on people. I don't think she was thinking of caution against getting pregnant or really thinking much about Claudia getting help.

After the strange and contradictive argument of shannonphoenix, however, I really did like your post, fishspkr.

Now for the other stuff... about Will and Lila. As far as I'm concerned, if you're openminded, then you aren't bothered by the romance here so much. In countries such as England and Japan, legal age is 16. In America it's 17. In several countries it's 16 and 17. But no matter what, it's agreed that 18 is adulthood. The age when a person is capable of making decisions on their own - including who they can marry. Even if other people do not like it, it doesn't matter. I did not really see Lila and Will's relationship as being as taboo as it could have been even by a longshot. To me, it wasn't that important to the story overall, but it wasn't bad enough to appall. Not after seeing Bruce Willis and Demi Moore's new loves.

Thank gawds I'm not their kids. That must have been really strange for them at first!

And it was a really nice movie too. :)


shannonphoenix, what an odd way to come in on a light hearted discussion - insult everyone!! I really don't understand what happened there. Issues...

As for the movie, I just got the dvd after borrowing the video off my dad years ago. It's one of those films where you see it when you're younger & then forget about it until someone else mentions it. Well for me anyway! I think it's amazing though as I really detest all these sickly sweet versions of the Grimms fairy tales that we're subjected to. The Grimms' versions were far from sweet, so I like it when movies like this Snow White one are made.


I'm guessing she wasn't a Wiccan, considering that Wicca was invented in the fifties by Charles Gardner.

Do some research; Wicca is a new religion *loosely based* on a more ancient pagan religion. It's not the same though.


She might have praticed folk magic of some kind, though she may well have held pagan beliefs.


I know that she loved her baby, but I think there was a bit more to it than that.

For a large part of the beginning of the movie, she is in a fierce rivalry with Lili over the affections of Fredrick. Lili is young, pretty, and has her mother's (Fredrick's first wife's) name and dress. Pretty much what Claudia has to keep her husband's attention on her is her looks and the fact that she could provide him with a male child.

After the stillbirth, the entire world is shattered on many different levels. Her baby is dead. She can't have anymore children, so she lost her one weapon. She realizes that she's aging and looking her beauty (her other weapon). Lili is still pretty and young. It looks like Lili won the battle.

When Claudia snaps she does things which, in her twisted mind, would "fix" her problems. She tries to have Lili killed, brings her baby back to life, and keeps her husband incapacitated so he's dependant on her.
