Different cut with more voilence?

Has anybody read the script to Snow White or has anybody seen a rough cut? I suspect that the common 'final cut' of this movie misses some sequences that contain more violence or extended scenes that were way too much and need to be cut out for its premiere on television.

There is this scene in which Claudia's raven gets killed by a stone thrown by one of the outcasts. Well, you don't actually see the raven dying. But before Claudia appearse squalling in pain, there are 2 or 3 frames (you hardly recognize them) which seem to be from a deleted sequence that may contain the raven's death (what a lousy cut btw!). I was lucky to get a screen cap of one frame on YoutTube: http://i52.tinypic.com/15hmnbo.jpg

Furthermore I suspect that Guttenberg's fatal window fall sequence was intended to be longer. To me it appearse heavily cut.

Aaand.. Was Claudia's quote "If you're going to play cat and mouse, just remember I'm the cat" (that you can hear in the trailer) in the film?

Of course I wrote just assumptions. I can't prove that. But if you ask me, it's an obvious fact. I'm thrilled to know if someone saw an early version of this movie in the past or read the script and made out some striking distinctions.

Note: Thank you Normal-Bates. Very interesting read!


This is interesting. From a grim fairy tale it was rather violent. It's hard to believe they cut out even more violence.

Perhaps they had the animals rights people on them about the murder of the Raven because Claudia already murdered another bird earlier in the movie. Remember the little sparrow that was trapped in the hour glass being buried in the sand? Perhaps they thought showing another bird's death was pushing it.

Claudia's cat and mouse line from the trailer is definitely absent from the movie. This is a common thing though, Many movie trailers contain dialogue that is absent from the movie. It can be due to script re-writes or cuts. Sometimes they even make up lines explicitly for the movie.


I was starting to suspect that no-one really cared to read my post on an early draft of the film. It is a relief/honor to know that someone actually killed a little of his time to read the whole post. Thank you.

I have uploaded the script on sendspace. You can download it for free from here:


Once you're done with it, please come back and tell me what you think. I love discussing film scripts.
