MovieChat Forums > Great Expectations (1998) Discussion > Great expectations vs. Cruel Intentions

Great expectations vs. Cruel Intentions

they both share a similar visual style, and both deal with elements of manipulation and heartbreak, which do u think is better?



Although I enjoyed cruel intentions, i wouldn't call it a really great movie...great expectations is my favourite...and i neer noticed these cinematographic similarities


they almost look identical dont u think, and since Great Expectations came out a year before Cruel Intentions hmmm i wonder.

reply they don't share the same qualities. GE is a lush romantic tale of love lost and then found again. CI was just about trashy spoiled brats screwing each other over at every turn. You can't rally compare the two.

I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy.


lol i sort of agree CI seemed alot more trashier than GE because unlike GE it heavily delt with manipulation and sexual confusion to the point of almost pure immorality.But it shows in CI visual style that there was probably a strong influence from the visual style of GE


But then again, CI is supposed to be trashy. It was a very trashy book back then. It dealt with sex, manipulation, promiscuity, deceit, treason, etc etc. It was dirty. So CI is also supposed to be dirty. GE is supposed to be a sweeter book and a lot more romantic.


CI was an awesome move.
"It was dirty".....WTF is that supposed to mean??


Finally saw this picture this afternoon.. Most people read the book in high school, thus are familiar with the story.. I'm not a fan of Gwyneth Paltrow's but she played the desirable object of Finn's obsession very convincingly.. I was impressed with the film.. I liked "Cruel Intentions" as well, but preferred "Dangerous Liason" (which it's based on).. Vote = Great Expectations..


I agree with you...
I think the main question must be :

Dangerous Liason Vs Great Expectations


not really cuz the movie Dangerous liasons actually takes place during the 18th century and the film Great Expectations was made into a 90's flick so stylistically its similar to Cruel intentions, the only difference is that Cruel Intentions incorperated that teen flick tone


WOW, nothing at all a like.
GE, was about lost childhoods and how people are tragicly drawn to the same pain in hopes of filling the lose void in their lives. CI, is about teenagers quest for power in their world. As for as the deep psychological stuff and existential questions, CI just doesn't rise to that level. It is good in its all right with sexual politics and how power replaces love, but it doesn't reaches Dicken's level.


Wow I find it highly coincidental and funny that you are comparing these two movies because I JUST rented both of them!

I personally liked Cruel intentions from the first time I saw it. I just finished watching Great Expectations right now and to be honest, i'm not much of a fan. maybe if they did the orginal play and not a modern version then it'd be better. I just no that i totally wasn't feeling it.


I read Great Expectations in high school but i've never read or seen Dangerous Liasions. I saw this modern version of GE and I've also seen Cruel Intentions, having said that, I consider Cruel Intentions to be on the top five worst movies i've ever seen. On the other hand, GE was awesome, all of the actors were AMAZING and the modern take on it was really good. Every single one of the characters made me feel really bad for them, even Estella, they were all so convincing. There was just so much depth to this story I wouldnt even know where to begin. Cruel Intentions just sucked. All of the characters annoyed me. Sarah Geller was sooo not seductive and it was basically just a drama teen flick. Maybe Dangerous Liasions is better?


This movie is in my top it! I agree with the question should be Dangerous Liasons vs Great Expectations. Cruel Intentions is out of their league.


I'm the Op who started this post months ago, adn now i have no clue why i even compared these two films, there nothing alike storyline wise or visually, and we all know GE is superior to CI visually speaking


GE is a visual masterpiece! the sets, costumes, performances, script and (espicailly) the soundtrack were all simply devine!

in terms of the story, I agree that, in terms of standard, DL and GE are better suited for a comparison. I only saw CI because i heard it was based on DL. I enjoyed it, more so when I was younger, but it could never hold a flame to GE!


While I agree with the visual pacing of the movie. Cruel Intentions is a remake of Dangerous Liasons which was an adaptation of a french book done many many years ago.

The colors, combined with the music in this movie makes me love it. Cruel Intentions have people I LOVE to hate in them.


Great Expectations is far better, Cruel Intentions is a truly overated movie, if you talk about the Dangerous Liasons movie with John Malkovich, Glenn Close, Uma Thurman and Michelle Pfeiffer however, it is a different perspective.

Life is precious, and it’s our own - not any god’s.


I loved Cruel Intentions when I first saw it, but i actually FELL IN LOVE with Great Expectations when i first saw it


I am currently watching Great Expectations. I find this posting interesting simply because I own both movies and I was debating between watching Cruel Intentions and Great Expectations. I know the original poster ultimately dismissed any comparison between the two movies. I am of the opinion there are similarities between the two on the surface. Ultimately however, I think the similarities are truly coincidental.

Personally, I love Cruel Intentions. It is wicked trashy, and I like that about it. Having gone to a private Catholic school with a lot of snotty, privileged kids whose lives were replete with drama (although not as crazy CI), I found a familiar comfort in seeing these awful kids getting their comeuppance. I've read Dangerous Liaisons, and although it was a long time ago, I believe in the editor's intro he said that DL was considered the "trashy-grocery-store" romance book of that time. Thus, I don't think it ultimately had much meaning deep down. It was just meant to be an entertaining trashy story to read at the beach.

Great Expectations, written by Charles Dickens, is obviously higher up on the literary-art scale. Personally, I hated the book Great Expectations. I am sure it is a great read, but I am not good with Charles Dickens. However, the story is very interesting. It was actually the movie that made me interested in the story. Its story (or theme, whatever) is basically a tragedy in the sense that the love of two people (who really do love each other) is utterly doomed due to the fact that the girl had a screwed up childhood. The duplicity of Estella is only a manifestation of her screwed up childhood with Ms. Havisham. It is ultimately not because she is immoral or evil.

Cruel Intentions on the other hand is really just about a bunch of people that are bored and manipulative and have the financial stability to pull off these crazy schemes to defame those people they hate. In GE, there was no intent to deceive, whereas in Cruel Intentions/DL, it was incited by malevolent intent (or at least originally, I guess in the end he did end up falling for the prude lady).

So yeah, basically, I don't think they are ultimately comparable. I like them both. Actually, I love them both.


Cruel Intentions

When it comes to torture, I trust the lady who spent three years married to James Cameron.
