f-words = best writing

over 150 f-words and yet this movie wins for Best Writing???




Swearing doesn't make a movie bad, just like not swearing doesn't make a movie good. Swearing is a part of every day speech and some people still don't seem to be used to that idea (or at least can't wrap their heads around it).

'You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing, is it?'


well ok sir or mam...... well they shoud NOT cuss and swar bcos its vry BAD and it wud make little kids do it 2...... then they cud even atk on u bcos now there bad peeps........ so u think its 2 laf on but ur wrong ok?????


Just.. what...?


well ok im sayin i h8 when they sware and such and ok it shoud be ilegal even bcos such is vry BAD ok........


*beep* yeah:)

In all seriousness, the f word was a huge part of the characters because that's where they came from. They were born and raised in a working class neighborhood where they don't have much hope of getting out of there. There's a bravado that goes along with living in a rough part of town because if you don't have it, you'll probably get beat up.


it needed a filamentous.



It's a good movie but is highly overrated. The script was good but wasn't the astounding and breathtaking piece of art it was seen to be.


I'm not telling you that you're wrong, but I didn't think it have to be. It connected with the people who watched it. I think you've realized the majority here at IMDB aren't looking for the highest quality of Art, but then again whose to say that art even has a specific leveling of quality. Much like beauty, art is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe that's why it has such a high score.


I'm not telling you that you're wrong, but I didn't think it had to be. It connected with the people who watched it. I think you've realized the majority here at IMDB aren't looking for the highest quality of Art, but then again whose to say that art even has a specific leveling of quality. Much like beauty, art is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe that's why it has such a high score.


I'm not telling you that you're wrong, but I didn't think it had to be. It connected with the people who watched it. I think you've realized the majority here at IMDB aren't looking for the highest quality of Art, but then again whose to say that art even has a specific leveling of quality. Much like beauty, art is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe that's why it has such a high score.


As did Scorsese's The Departed.


You've never been to a real working class Boston neighborhood have you?


Apparently he hasn't. Live in one in Philly and we still create new ways to use profanity at work - and I'm not a construction worker.


A completely over rated movie which made no impression on me at all except for the LEVEL OF PROFANITY. I always intended to suffer through watching this movie again just so that I could count the Swear words. So now here it is. To account for the occasional unclear or garbled speech, I give this list a 3% margin of error. Which may also equate to a range of 0 to 5 Missed or Miss heard swear words.

• **ck, **cked, **cker, **cking 140
• Sh*t, Sh*ter, Sh*ting: 27
• A*ss (Pertaining to 'Anis'): 14
• Bitch (Pertaining to Human Female): 7
• Prick (Pertaining to 'Penis'): 4
• P*ss, P*ssed, P*ssing: 4
• 'Blow Job': 3
• Dick (Pertaining to Penis): 3
• 'A*se Hole': 3
• 'Oh My God': 3
• 'Jerk Off', Jerk, Jerking: 3
• Fart: 2
• Weiner (Pertaining to 'Penis'): 2
• Laid (Pertaining to 'Sexual Intercourse'): 2
• Tug (Pertaining to 'Masturbation'): 1
• 'Douche Bag': 1
• Jesus (In Blasphemous Sense): 1
• Christ (In Blasphemous Sense): 1
• Balls (Pertaining to 'Testicles'): 1
• Sucks (Sux): 1
• **nt 0 (surprised about this one)


I know what you mean; they went overboard to prove how tough and working class the characters were, but it's so overdone that it struck an articial chord.


"I... don't... see... any... method... at... all... sir."


Anyone who "counts" profanity...surely gives out 1 impression.......YOU don't get laid; do ya ?

Because within sex, we say lots of 4-5 letter words and WE "normal people" don't count them.

So it's people like you who A. Don't get laid or B. Work for GLAAD

The choice is YOURS because other than those 2 choices...what choice DO you have for anal-yzing a movie ?


Oh yeah, well where I come from, we beat the *beep* out of dirty little fowl mouth *beep* like you. We then kick you fair in the *beep* and finally wash your filthy *beep* mouths out with soap. Then we go to church and give thanks to the Lord.



My question is fully answered. You're C. both A and B

Gotta love the goofy people on IMDB and ZhitBook. WHO I find to be more goofier or amusing, I will never know.


There is no god.

How many walkers have you killed? How many people have you killed? Why?


Then we go to church and give thanks to the Lord.

Is that the Lord who loves us, yet issued ten commandments regarding things we must never do, but if we can't resist our temptation we will burn in hell for all eternity? And who always needs money?

P.S. - Is there anything the Lord can do for adults who don't know the difference between fowl and foul?


I thought the same thing. Did someone actually count the curse words? If so, that's another thing to file under Things That Make Me Laugh. Unless they get paid to do it, it's just downright sad.

Having known several Bostonians, I found the dialogue to be quite authentic. Some people just can't deal with authentic dialogue. Oh well.




I thought the same thing. Did someone actually count the curse words?

And....what better way to ensure boredom during a movie.


• Fart: 2

That’s Robin Williams’ fault. The scene was not in the script.


Oh God... he said "fart"... What a nasty word! D:


Wow. You must have a lot of spare time on your hands if you have time to re-watch a movie you didn't enjoy the first time, just to count how many swear words were in it.

'You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing, is it?'


Not necessarily. I mean it did take me a whole 14 years to finally get round to watching it again for this purpose. But perhaps a trivia website that had this type of information could have saved me wasting 90 odd minutes watching 'Good Will Hunting' again in 2014.


• Fart: 2

TWICE in ONE film?
This filth should have been globally banned!


Fact: The Oscar winning scene was the it's not your fault scene.

"You want me to roll 6,000 of these!? What? Should I quit my job!?" George Costanza, Seinfeld


Which I, personally, thought was a weak scene. It was supposed to be climactic - and apparently was seen to many as such - but unfortunately I saw the green oozing out of Matt during his pretend crying. It felt very forced.


I live outside of Boston. I'll be honest with ya, I never really noticed the swearing in this movie. It's pretty *beep* normal around here. Almost restrained, in fact - go watch Gone Baby Gone or The Fighter if you want to hear what it really sounds like in Boston's blue collar suburbs.


You're right about The Fighter, Gone Baby Gone and The Departed is another one that follows this trajectory. This is just how people in the East express themselves. To them it's mechanical communication.

We're supposed to be home David! We're supposed to be in color!
