
Favourite George Of The Jungle quotes! Come on, there's heaps!

George [fighting a lion]: When lion brush last?!

Narrator: Don't worry kids, no one dies in this movie! They just get really big boo-boos. *shows injured guide* .. What did I tell you?

George [eating coffee beans]: Javajavajavajavajavajavajavajavajavajavajava

Narrator: Stay here?! George is the King of the jungle! No 4 walls built by modern man can contain him!
George: Not true! George have every intention of doing exactly what Ursula says... for a while.

George: Hey fella, George of Jungle... need a vine?

George: What mean embarassed?

Lyle [Translating Swahili]:Pardon me, girls. I know you're feeling pretty hey sailor up here about now. But if you would just let me order a bowl of fried clams we can all have smallpox tomorrow morning.

Narrator: The jungle king was pretty pleased to find he looked good in Armani.
George: Pretty darn good!

Ursula: It's survival of the fittest... dog eat dog!
George: Dog eat dog? Dog eat dog here?! George never bring Shep here! Uh-uh, never!

Ape: George's secrets? Now there's the shortest book ever written.

George: Then you wrap it round your sock for special George of jungle footlock!

George: What your name?
Ursula: Ursula, what's yours?
George: George. George Primate! And this Ape, Ape Primate!

Narrator: And so, onward and upward the tired trekkers trudged on feverished footsies on the perilous paths. When they beheld the mighty Ape Mountain, the reacted with awe.
Group: Aaaawwww.
Narrator: I said "awe." A-W-E.
Group: Ooohhh.
Narrator: That's better.

Narrator: Meanwhile, at a very expensive waterfall set...

Swahili Guide: Bad guy falls in poop: Classic element of physical comedy. Now comes the part where we throw our heads back and laugh. Ready?
Guides: Ready!

~Salad shooteeeerrr!!~


Yeah those are good ones - I love the "bad guy falls in poop" and "Awe" quotes, plus these:

George: To swing or not to swing?

George: Sometime George smash into tree. And sometime...
[George screams and falls out of treehouse]
George: Sometime George fall out of treehouse. But not feel stupid.

Narrator: 25 years later, the bouncing baby boy has become a swinging jungle king. He is swift, he is strong, he is sure, he is smart...
[George hits tree and falls down]
Narrator: ...he is unconscious.

The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.


I thought it was funny that Disney Channel had to censor a Disney movie: "God that woman is a pain in the [butt]"

I remember when this movie came out, I literally watched it til the tape broke. It has a sort of nice innocence to it that other movies don't have. Also the funny porters.




i love the part where the little monkey wipes his butt with the tissue ursula hands him. classic. :)


Lyle: Hey! The important thing, N'Dugo, is that I was outnumbered.
N'Dugo: It's easy to be outnumbered when you're a zero.

Lyle: Did you see that look the guy just gave me? They probably saying I'm the biggest jerk they've ever seen in their lives...they are probably thinking of something evil to try to do to me.
Swahili Guide: That guy is the biggest jerk I've ever seen in my life.
Swahili Guide: Lets think of something evil to do to him.

"...it's a special night, don't make me slap you"


i love the part where the little monkey wipes his butt with the tissue ursula hands him. classic. :)

One dislikes to disagree with another poster, but that was her pretty little embroidered hankie. It was meant as a personal insult from the monk to Ursula.


this movie came out a decade ago, and my nearly 24 year old self still has a blast watching it. :D these are some that i just cant help rewinding over and over lol

"25 years later, the bouncing baby boy has grown into a swinging jungle king. He is swift, he is strong, he is sure, he is smart...
"...he is unconscious."

"It's easy to be outnumbered when you're a zero."

"Next time George find bigger box."


"'George's Secrets.' There's the shortest book ever written."

"Bad kitty!"

"Nice butt-flap."

"What is it with chicks and horses?" (good thing they werent any closer hehe that whole scene just cracks me up, and the ladies have a point. the man is hot ^_~)

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the king of the jungle."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that."
*Max and Thor get zapped*
"Having some fun now, huh?"
"Thor, were you fighting with the Narrator?"
"He started it!"

and my personal fave:
"To swing, or not to swing?


i'm glad they showed this movie some weeks ago b/c i forgot how good and hilarious it was. i used to watch it alot when i was a kid too-so classic.

the best lines are between lyle and the swahili guys. they are hilarious.
does anyone know the lines in the scene when lyle comes up to them and shows of his poloroid camara and gives them cigarettes?? that scene was hilarious. i'd appreciate it!!!

lyle said something like. " see? now your happy-we take your land." something like that. and then the whole camera thing after with everyone laughing was so funny.


my fave line is the bit where lyle two hunters have gone back the the treehouse and are getting ready to capture the ape and one goes
'theres a few apes. which one should i shoot?
the other guy goes

lol had me in fits

You get Russia and America to fight each other, and destroy each other.


george:this biggest swing in jungle history, going to hurt very much, but, george have to do it.(whimpers)

& as he's zooming towards the tree, he quickly just says "this gonna hurt."

also, it's not so much a line, but in one scene where the moronic poachers are pushing ape in the cage, ape drops a banana peel & thor slips & falls on the cage & just says in a whimpering voice: "I think I chipped a tooth , max."

i'm laughing my head off typing this.



The whole "What mean embarassed?" line makes me smile, because I LOVE the song that plays afterward: Dela (I Know Why The Dog Howls At The Moon). That song seriously makes me smile so big.

I love this movie, and I can't believe it has a 5.2, it is one of the most innocent movies of my time, with a lot of sexual innuendos to keep the adults entertained. I think it deserves much more than a 5.2

Let me go on loving you
Strawberry Gusher!
Official Bleeder!


Every other line is good, TBH.

Starting with...

"Thank you Betsy, for those moist towelettes. You've been a lifesaver." -Ursula

"George just lucky I guess." -George

"No. George have every intention of doing exactly what Ursula say...for a little while." -George


"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Ursula." -George

"George, please don't call animals to a moving vehicle, ok?" -Ursula (or something like that).

And when George and Ursula are driving and she does the Jungle Call and those people just look at them w/ stunned faces lol! And then Ursula's like "Wowwww..."

"I must express myself." - Delia Deetz


Odd that no one has listed one of my favorite quotes from Beatrice Stanhope (hmm, maybe it's because a lot of people do consider her a "pain in the @#$%" ).

Sorry if it's not verbatim. Gads, I need a DVD of this movie...

(Beatrice has just finished telling George that Ursula is a stripe and he is a spot...one that she intends to remove asap. Poor George...)
WEDDING CATERER/WAITER: Steak tartare, Mrs. Stanhope?
BEATRICE: Thank you, no. I've had quite enough protein for one day.

Love Holland Taylor!

And I know it's been mentioned already, but I just adore the whole scene that ends with "What is it with chicks and horses?" Heh-heh-heh.

You have your mother’s eyes. – Farewell, Alan. We’ll miss you… always.
