Cute Movie

I have never seen David in such a tender role before. I wanted to jump through the screen and help him out. What a touching movie. I am glad I have finally added it to my dvd collection.

My Green Mile Man Brutal, (David Morse), I love that thing you do!!


I have yet to find this film, but I have heard a lot of good things said. So it will be on my list to good ol' Santa Claus. Hehehe I've been good, honest!

Can never get enough David Morse. He is a fine actor.


Yes, I just saw it for the first time, and I'd call it a 'sweet little movie'

Not all movies have to be huge and 'blow sh-t up', and this one made me smile

I thought the ending was a little sad, tho I guess another way to look at it is that George was happy BEFORE all this happened, and he's back to the way his life was before (except in Reno and minus the house)

It's a sort of 'Flowers for Algernon' thing, don't you think? (in that even tho YOU might not be happy in these situations, the character WAS happy, because of his mental level. And if that's the best you can achieve, then happy is good)


Where did you find the movie? I still can't seem to find it! ):
