MovieChat Forums > G.I. Jane (1997) Discussion > Not Ready to See Women in Body Bags B.S.

Not Ready to See Women in Body Bags B.S.

I've seen a few posters say America is not ready to see women come home in body bags. As a 29 year old woman I say B.S. I view all military personnel as equal whether a man or woman, both have the right to defend their country, and both can be killed. I do not appreciate a woman's sacrifice more than a man's. Both genders knew the risk when they joined and both should be equally honored or mourned.

There are a few countries where women can see action in direct combat roles such as: France, Israel, New Zealand, Soviet Union/Russia, and Sweden to name a few.

It is also important to point out that there are female terrorists and female suicide bombers. A woman's conviction is just as strong as a man's.


You are wrong about Israel. They tried having women in combat arms positions in their army, but it didn't work out.
I actually think its referenced in this movie.




Doesn't Canada allow women to serve in direct-combat roles?

You snoze, you loze.


Yes. In Canada the military is not exempt from Human Right Legislation which doesn't allow discrimination just because of sex.

Posting and You:


Thank your for your reply, LittleMatchGirl.

I don't poly-cotton to coping tropes, even my own.


It ought to be a given that women should be allowed to join any part of the military, assuming they pass muster, of course. However, with regards to elite combat units out on tours living together 24/7, gender separation would have to be applied. The issue of sexual tensions (and instances of their natural conclusions) and the concomitant emotional stress is simply impossible to overcome. It may sound like a cheap argument, but it is so firmly rooted in biological fact that downplaying the importance of it would be extremely imprudent to say the least.


Who the heck have Canada been fighting with recently?

Awe Skinny you got blood all over my trousers! Jeez I'm real sorry sorry Frank


Iraq, Taliban.


Actually Canada has been fighting in Afghanistan, not Iraq.

"Smooth seas do not make for skilled sailors"-African Proverb


why would you even WANT to be in combat? to try to prove something?


Monique, I don't think it's BS at all. Most men have an inherent desire to protect women, because most women ARE less strong than men. This is not a sexism, but a very good and admirable male trait, I think.


Inherit my ass. Men learn to be that way just like women learn to be weak.


Scruppy that's crap, it's nothing to do with anyone learning anything. The concept of a protective male and a weak woman are not mutually exclusive. As a male I am protective of the females in my life more so than the men. For example my sisters or my girlfriend over my brother or my mate. I didn't learn it, I can't explain it, I just am. It's why you find lads call for their mum in moments of exterme duress. The idea of men holding a protective view of women is as old as chivalry and isn't going to change any time soon. Women don't have to be like men to be equal to them yet this seems to be the precedent. There is a certain consideration men will forever show to women.

We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English.
~Winston Churchill


There is one only major problem with that sort of philosophy - who are you protecting the women from? 99% of the time, it's other males. So it's a male game, both the protecting and the attacking, it's made for your own egos, both of those roles. Women can have a wonderful time if both the protector and the attacker just *beep* off.


Ok we're talking about women in the military, and your answer is tell the attacker to *beep* off! You truly have a dazzling wit! I don't know where you grew up but it's not other males even 50% of the time so don't sully my philosophy with your pressuming sexist twisting of words, which is what's so simplistic and juvenile about your own. I find myself more protective of the women in my life in every manner, whether they are having trouble at work or college or life in general, whether it be with other males or females. I still hold the door open and ladies always go first and you say I'm doing it to fuel my ego! It might surprise you to learn these are principles instilled in me unconditionally by a woman. Some women consider it being a gentleman, some consider it being sexist, maybe you should all get together and decide which it is then let us lads know. It's clear you've had some bad experiences with men but please put your tarring brush away and grow up just a little bit.

Get busy livin or get busy dyin, that's goddam right!




lets just leave combat roles to men shall we? the thing is your wrong to think only frontline soldiers defend their country. true they deserve are respect the most. but women also have desk jobs, some are pilots, engineers and other vital parts of the military.
to say women dont serve is an understatement.
combat roles for women exists in 3rd world countries usually by resistance fighters and terrorist organizations.
vietnam, sri lanka to name a few...


It is BS, pure BS in fact. Women for centuries have fought in wars. Fact of life. It's just this crap that men are thinking that we'll step on their toes, their domain. "oh my god, women that want to learn to's the end of the world!!!!"

I can give a rat's fart about the boys b1tching - if the soldier, regardless of gender, can do their job effectively and not bring or slow down the unit then there's no problem.

I'm going to be an officer in the US Army after I'm done getting my Masters degree, and I'll make that statement loud and clear to those under my command. Do your job and quit complaining. The United States never won a war complaining about sex, race, age, religion, sexuality, et cetera - I don't care if you play like Boy George on the weekends or if you're on you period, when you put that uniform on there is no "I" or "me" or "She" or "he" it's "Sarnt" "LT" et cetera. You have a specific assignment/mission/job to do, so bloody do it.

I *beep* cannot stand it, in fact, hate those who do this. I've seen way too many people complain over this *beep* and it's sickening, more revolting than seeing a dead body to me. It's idiocy to the letter. And no one likes a idiot. Sure they're fun to laugh at but who the hell wants an idiot covering your back?

Come on, Scully, get those little legs moving!



Wow you don't sound like someone with something to prove at all. Then again you'll need some extra sass to bolster your pencil pushers commission.

Awe Skinny you got blood all over my trousers! Jeez I'm real sorry sorry Frank


Okay, as a woman who as a child wanted to be a part of the special forces and a part of me still does, but as I became older I figured out some limitation that need to be addressed in the 'argument'. It's quiet simple and will make some uncomfortable. Women can't be placed in many combat roles due to the fact that we require showering much more frequently or some nasty infections set in. Beyond this, we are talking about war here. And if you want to talk about idiocy... Playing with equal rights, gender equality is not the intelligent tactic to win. I'm sorry, place the average sized male across from the average sized female any day of the week and initiate combat...what's the outcome 9 times out of 10, if not more? Yes, I know that modern combat is not just about strength and power, but it is about being prepared for whatever happens. If it came down to close quarter combat, the man fighting with the man is going to be the one more likely to walk away from the skirmish than then woman in the same situation. It's not about seeing a woman who is willing to go to combat come home in a body bag. It is about sending the best person to do the damn job. I'm sorry, but this is an area that woman are not equal. If you want to go to combat, you have a better chance of getting your way by getting the entire world to start sending only woman into combat than trying to change the ideas of those in charge and the way the majority thinks. That idea may not always come from the right place, but when you put it to thought...well, it's the one I bank on.

Also, this statement is *beep* It is BS, pure BS in fact. Women for centuries have fought in wars. Fact of life. It's just this crap that men are thinking that we'll step on their toes, their domain. "oh my god, women that want to learn to's the end of the world!!!!"

I may not be in the military, but I do beat people up for a living inside a cage. I do MMA, and I have never seen guys more accepting towards women in combat (albeit my life isn't exactly on the line) than the guys I train with every damn day. Those people support me, help me, and are standing right outside to watch me get bloodied up and beaten if it comes down to it. I'm not going to lie and say that what I said above is the only reason why women haven't been allowed in combat (though I do wish they'd change that silly things about women not being allowed to fly Longbows, haha). It's true, to some people it is about the fact that that person has tits. I just view it as the more intelligent game plan. If the facts were different, I'd be all for women in combat; but the facts are the facts. I don't have woman to spar with in the gym, so I am well aware that when it comes to combat I am at a doesn't mean I'm not capable or that I'm not as good or better. I'm just at a disadvantage! And when you go to war you don't say, "Well, there is a way to put the odds in our favor, but meh? Who cares! At least we have gender equality!". Go to war that way and you won't have it for long ladies.

Thank-you and goodnight!



Sydney, um, we're going for idealism and altruism in this thread...not realism...come on, girl power right?


[quote Sydney007 on Sun Oct 25 2009 20:06:49]: Women can't be placed in many combat roles due to the fact that we require showering much more frequently or some nasty infections set in. [/quote]

I can't believe you actually mean that. As a woman, I would think you'd know your own body better than that. To quote you again, this statement is BS, pure BS in fact.

Talk about idiocy...



Hey dude, what about hand-eye coordination, stamina, lifting heavy weights, hand to hand combat? Or you think you're gonna telepathically pilot Mechs? There is literally nothing you can do in the armed forces just by pushing a button-penis or no penis.



"Shes not the problem, we are"
- Master Chief John James Urgayle

its easy for a woman to say that gender doent matter and she deserves to fight just like any man, but as the Master Chief put it, its men that are the problem. Not all, but some men would indeed act differently fighting along side women. How do you change that? I haven't a clue, but it is a fact.



again, it is not the womens' fault, its the men. If womens presence nagatively affects the mans abiality to fight then it IS a problem. Its not right, but its true. it would be different if the US was one of the few countries in the world where women werent allowed to fight in these positions, but 1 country that does. This isn't a sexist issue. Dont make it out to be one.

"It just so happens he is only MOSTLY dead" - Miracle Max



thats your opinion and i can respect it. But why bring up NASA? What does spending time alone with women have to do with a man feeling differetly towards a woman being blown in 8 pieces than he would seeing a man in the same way?

As to why a man feels differently towards woman being killed in front of them? I dont have an answer. perhaps its the same reason people will cry at a news story detailing a dog being abused, but dont shed any tears at a news story about a store clerk being beaten by a burglar.

I cant answer it.

Also, is it sexist that a man doesnt want women to be killed in combat? Or is it the opposite of sexist?

Theres no right answer to this, but i think there are wrong ones. My opinion (opinion) is that it is not sexist, yours is that it is. I dont think we'll resolve the issue :-)

"It just so happens he is only MOSTLY dead" - Miracle Max



ok i am not from usa, so you'll have to forgive many women have died in combat in iraq? afganistan? i havent heard of any which leads me to belive 1 of 2 things 1. women arent fighting in these 'grunt' roles or 2. they are dying and bush/obama (more likely bush) is not allowing the news to get out.

"It just so happens he is only MOSTLY dead" - Miracle Max



Women are not allowed in combat arms units - infantry, armored, etc. Your assertion that women fight and die alongside men is exaggerated at best. And no - you do not have the same rights in the military as you have in civilian life. You effectively sign away many of your rights on joining. If the military deems it necessary, you can be discriminated against. They're in the business of winning wars (or at least they used to be) not of doing neat social experiments.

