MovieChat Forums > Fools Rush In (1997) Discussion > I'm pretty sure it was Chuy's baby

I'm pretty sure it was Chuy's baby

She was playing Alex for a chump--I mean, he used a condom. She just wanted a baby Daddy who had more money and she saw this as an opportunity. Same thing happened to me when I was living in Cleveland and this trick tried to say I was the one, but I was not having it--I ain't no chump! Even when she allegedly got a blood test--I ain't goin out like that! Condoms do not break/puncture, that is a myth created by the liberal media.


Uhh yes they do. Been there m'self. I was freaking, I didn't want a baby and it was the worst possible time that could have happened. I ended up losing that baby. I know I will be reamed for this, but it was a relief. Sad, but a huge relief. It was the worst possible time in my life for a baby.
Now I don't take any chances at all, there are at least 3 forms of birth control involved haha. Condom, pill, spermicide. Plus I know my cycle and when I am most fertile, I stay away during those couple of days.
The ONLY thing that is 100% foolproof is abstinence.


I stand corrected.
Maybe I am not phuking right if I have not broken one :(


They rip.

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!


How old are you? Of course they break. Many reasons-been in your wallet for years, been exposed to extreme heat/cold (keep em in your car glove compartment) and just plain bad luck. Oh, and news for you, you can also get pregnant while on the pill.


i agree with the op. i'm pretty sure this film was not originally meant to be a comedy, but a drama. think about it...the movie's not that funny. i honestly believe it was changed to a romantic comedy pretty close to the last minute. i'll say that i think fools rush in was meant to be a drama with maybe splashes of some comedy in it. so yes i believe that baby is chuy's baby and isabel lied to alex about it.


Easportguy, you meant sugar daddy, not baby daddy. I doubt the baby was Chuys. It's actually comedy drama mixed.


Actually, I personally have broken MANY condoms..
They are NOT failsafe!


Sorry. I got pregnant twice with my husband using a condom. Condoms can break but they also can slip off during vigorous sex without anyone knowing.


u guys are all scaring the $H!T out of me! I've been seperated/divored for close to a year and JUST became "active" again s3xually and the thought of another baby SCARES me so bad! I already have my Vasectomy scheduled for 5/31 and its NOT soon ENOUGH!!

Im gonna punch you in the cooter, I swear to God!


they break but that is a good theory for the story
