Needed a better opening

I really wanted to like the movie. I'm a fan of 90s teen cinema and this looked right up my alley. I watched it with my girlfriend and we became bored within 15 minutes. I love Silverstone in Clueless and Blast From The Past, but it feels like she's changing characters every couple of minutes. Del Toro is good, but suffers from lack of character development.

What this movie needed was a good ten minutes to set up everyone in the movie. Starting it with the kidnapping was a bad choice on the editors part.

"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"



Bad choice on the editors part? Hmm... had nothing to do with the original screenplay then?


Bad choice on the editors part? Hmm... had nothing to do with the original screenplay then?


Am I speaking to the editor?

"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"


...and middle, and end.


I actually didn't mind the opening. It was everything else that followed. There are definitely ways to have made it work.

Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation (Eat, Pray, Love)
