Hellraiser Reference?

If you watch carefully, you'll notice during the super close up shots of Starck in the Hell sequence, there appears to be nails driven into her face. Do you think this was a subtle nod to Pinhead from Hellraiser or just a coincidence?


I thought something similar, given the general style and presentation of the gore. Plus, Pinhead was killed in space. And, if a black hole can be used for time travel like in Interstellar; this could have been intended to be the fifth Hellraiser movie at some point. That or I am overthinking the whole situation.


It has been a while since I've watched or listened but if I remember right they mention hellraiser in the commentary track on special edition more than couple times, plus the set designer of EH was supposedly they same guy who did HR.


That's interesting to know. Thanks for responding!


I also wonder if that movie would have been a good addition to the HR franchise.
