The Three Men

I have another question...who were the three men that Mozelle kept on seeing? I missed that whole part.


The three men were her previous three husbands. She was rumored to be a black widow...every man she fell in love with/who loved her had a horrible end. I dunno if it was a curse that came along with the gift of visions or what. Anyhow, I hope that helped.


One must not be paying attention at all to not realize who the three men are. Man, Debi Morgan in this film was amazing.


My, aren't you a hypocrite? If you were paying attention at all to the OP, you'd see they clearly said that they missed that part. I missed that part as well, and had trouble understanding who they were as well.

Never misjudge the most faithful
heart of your beloved. Forever yours, forever mine, forever us.



Then you should probably go back and re-watch the movie then
