Quick Question

Why did Eve try to steal the pineapple at the maket?

All of life's problems can be sloved with a bar of chocolate.


it was simple.....he was hungry and had no money


coming from someone who hasnt seen the movie of course


uh...yeah ur point

I love those moments..I like to wave at them as a they pass by." _The Captain


That guy was being rude---remember he ignored her the first time and then she had to ask again, louder and sassier. She didn't appreciate being overlooked and did what any child would do in that situation to get attention or to get back at that person.


I don't know if "any child" would have done this. But young ,precocious, and impressionable Eve was dealing with anger, fear, betrayal, and mixed feelings about her parents; dead uncles, her sister and father's issues. She witnessed her father affairs and heard stories of her aunts extramarital relationships, that resulted in murder. She was also grounded in the house for part of the hot summer because of her mother's fears. Eve was acting out and had a mean streak: scaring her brother, getting sassy and hurting her mother, stealing the pineapple, and exposing her father to his married lover's husband.


Yeah she was being a kid,not saying every kid steals but,she as dealing with alot of stuff so IMHO thats why she stole it....

"A movie a day keeps the doctor away"


