mozella spoiler

is it obvious that mozelle will die soon??

point 1
when eve goes to visit elzora, and mentions she wants someone died my doing voodoo

elzora say "is it mozella"
eve say"no"
and elzora say..thats too bad

point 2
mozella tells eve she was going to marry julian despite the fact that she a black widow..and she hope that maybe God will allow her to go with him.

point 3

the dream she tells eve about.

does anyone agree?



Point 1
Elzora and Mozella doesn't like each other because Mozella can really see peoples fortune. And Elzora is a fake voodoo witch

Point 2
Mozella is afraid to marry Julian because all of her past husbands has died and she does want him to die. That's where her comment about God allowing her to be with him

Point 3
The dream is how her first husband was killed just as she reallized that she loved him the most.


1. That's just because Mozelle and Elzora hate each other, meaning Elzora wouldn't mind seeing Mozelle dead.

2. I assume you meant that she "doesn't" want him to die. Mozelle says "Maybe God will be merciful and allow me to "go" with him this time." That means if Julian ever dies, she hopes that she dies along with him, because she's so tired of being left alone.

3. Huh? Her first husband died in the war, and there is never a point where Mozelle says that she actually loved one of them any more than the others.

The dream Mozelle has is the one she tells Eve about after Louis dies. She is flying and from the corner of her eye, she sees a woman drowning in the same air keeping her afloat. She realizes without looking that it is her. She contemplates whether she should save the woman or let her drown. Then she hears Louis telling her not to look back. So she keeps on flying and lets her drown. That wasn't symbolic of death. It was more symbolic of letting her old self go and being happy and free with Julian.

So, overall, no, I don't think Mozelle would die soon, but that's a nice interpretation.

This time, Effie White's gonna win.

Whitney was wrong. Children are no longer the future.


Yeah Moselle and Elzora hate each other,and as someone said Elzora is a fake,no she was not she could see the future too she just does it in a different way then Mozelle,and when she asked if it was Moselle that Eve wanted dead,it was just cause she didnt like her.Mozelle wasnt going to die the dream she had was just letting her know she was free to love and that the curse was lifted.

"A movie a day keeps the doctor away"


yes thats how i understood it as well the curse was lifted in tarot the death card is a good thing it means the closing of one chapter and opening of the next.


Elzora was not fake; Mozelle and Elzora had differnt philosophies and were competitors: kind of like Elzora was old school and Mozelle was new school. Both work; both have their good ponts and bad pints, but they will always conflict and compete.


"3. Huh? Her first husband died in the war, and there is never a point where Mozelle says that she actually loved one of them any more than the others."

That's right. She said that Maynard (the husband who was shot by her lover) loved her most of all.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


The poster said that Mozelle said SHE loved one of her husbands the most, not the other way around. That's different, because Mozelle never said that SHE loved one more than the other.

This time, Effie White's gonna win.

Whitney was wrong. Children are no longer the future.


"The poster said that Mozelle said SHE loved one of her husbands the most, not the other way around. That's different, because Mozelle never said that SHE loved one more than the other."

I know what the OP said. I was just clarifying that you were correct when you said that Mozelle never said she loved one of her husbands more than the others. She actually said that she knew Maynard (out of all her husbands) loved her most of all.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


Curse my terrible eyesight. I thought you said the OP was right. I've seen this film WAY too many times to be wrong on that one! Sorry about that.

This time, Effie White's gonna win.

Whitney was wrong. Children are no longer the future.


It's cool. I can see how you'd get it mixed up.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough
