MovieChat Forums > Eve's Bayou (1997) Discussion > What was in that Mojo Bag?

What was in that Mojo Bag?

There's a scene where Mozelle tells her client to put some stuff in a chamoise bag and wear it around her neck, for money. I remember one of the ingredients was devil's shoe strings, or the bag was to be tied with devil's shoe strings.

Does anyone remember the complete instructions?

Thanks in advanced,

early frost

My Online Book of Shadows:


It took me a bit but I found it. For anyone interested it goes...

fill a small bag of chamois with "John Conqueror root, tie it with devil's shoestring and with your right hand sprinkle five drops of holy water--keep the bag next to your skin.

source: 5

early frost

My Online Book of Shadows:


I'm not sure if she told the woman to make the bag because it would actually work, but perhaps more like a security-blanket thing, so the woman wouldn't worry too much about money problems.

"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living."
--Marcus Tullius Cicero


Thanks I just wanted the recipe because I have a series of blog post on magick in popular culture where I examine spells, rituals, beliefs etc...found in works of fiction (books, comic books, tv shows, movies).

My Online Book of Shadows:
