J.D. Salinger's Review

Has anyone else seen this in last month's Sunday Times?

In his first interview in thirty-nine years J.D. Salinger was asked about what inconoclastic films have changed the landscape of American culture. Salinger replied with four very simple words, "Almost Heroes? Almost Perfect!"

Is this the strangest thing you've ever heard or what? I mean I thought he would have said Citizen Kane or Gone With the Wind, but Alomost Freak'en Heroes?


Maybe Salinger is sarcastic. Maybe he's serious. Maybe he thought it was incredibly creative to make a comedy loosely based on Lewis and Clark (I know they were mentioned in the movie, but this was seriously based on them). It was the first and only of its kind. They aren't many other comedies that take place times such as those, except for Cabin Boy, of course, which is utter crap.

Almost Heroes is an almost perfect parody of pre-American explorers.


I SAW THAT TOO! I was so shocked, I nearly passed out!


This movie IS almost perfect on so many levels, it amazes me that more people dont see it that way. I think far too many people were expecting another Tommy Boy for "people of all ages" since Matthew Perry was in it, but instead we got an amazing & hilarious film that many didnt know how to take at the time. It was (and is) almost perfect in SO many ways, I wish more people could appreciate it for both how "fun and silly" it is, and also how amazing it is as a parody of the culture in those times!

"Why does the Earth have colors?" - "The New World"


Uh that article was obviously a joke. Here's an onion article claiming Salinger loved the new terminator movie:


can someone please link to the Sunday Times' interview? I am curious to see if it really was a joke. I know it almost certainly is, but still, I'd like to see for myself.


Nathan, the Onion is a fake newspaper.


which is what he's getting at by posting that link...



Well the Sunday Times and The Onion aren't one and the same, so what exactly was the point of said link?

God has a hard-on for Marines, because we kill everything we see.


I know this is eight months after the last post, but meh. The point I was trying to make by posting the onion link is that it is an old joke and other articles have been written in the same manner.

