Funniest bit!

By far the funniest bit I found, so much so I had to replay it, was when Pignon was making a call to LeBlanc and he put on the 'Belgian' accent. The way he said the words and the expressions on his face were classic. I laughed so much. And also the bit where he laughs after LeBlanc says 'Etienne' and thinks it is a joke. Greatness!

And when tax inspector man found out his wife was sleeping with the guy he was invesigating, I found that funny also.

A great film!


I like the 'sa soeur' mistake... funny stuff

No no no!! Stop slashing things!!


Funniest bit for me is when Brochant has to hang up the phone and explain the whole firstname thing.
Votre prénom à vous c'est François c'est juste.
The look on Pignon's face is priceless.


Pignon's answering machine message:

"Vous êtes bien chez François Pignon,
Mais il n'est pas là pour l'instant,
Laissez un message après l' bip,
Il vous rappelera nom d'un pipe!
C'est à vous d' parler!"

La classe!

On the phone as George Van Brughel:

A demain! (To Brochant) Et voilà, on a les droits!
Brochant: Et ma femme?

The expression on his face is hilarious. And I just can't help laughing when Juste cracks up laughing, goes out of the room, comes back and starts laughing again.

When Pignon is on the phone to Cheval:

Cheval: Va te faire foutre!
Pignon: Toi, va te faire foutre! (Slams the phone down) Oh le connard!.......Je le rappelle.

C'est très drôle ce film!


Mine's the 'Juste' bit.

'Son prénom c'est Juste, d'accord?'
'Il s'appelle Juste Leblanc'
'....Il n'a pas de prénom?'



i won't spot any bit of the movie but just wanted to point out that, although the spot/dialogs are really funny, what makes the movie so special is Jacques VILLERET's performance.
It's sad that i never realized before that he was such a great actor.
It makes me really eager to see a couple of movies with him.


The bit when Jacques Villeret is on the phone to his taxman buddy and hangs up in exasperation was fantastic.

The bit when Juste can't stop laughing

When they open the door on the right and discover all the undeclared loot.


The bit when Jacques Villeret is on the phone to his taxman buddy and hangs up in exasperation was fantastic.

That's probably when I laughed the hardest. Whenever he hung up without doing anything he set out to do, and he was so caught up in the conversation, he doesn't even realize he failed the objective until afterwards.

But the whole movie was hilarious.

I know what gold does to men's souls.


It's even better than that!!

"Monsieur Pignon, votre prénom a vous c' est Francois, c est juste?"
"(incredible villeret face)"
"Eh bien lui c est pareil, c est Just"


"Mais il est complètement fou! Je suis pas avec sa femme, je suis avec la femme de mon contrôleur fiscal!"

It was really funny up to then, but I just exploded at that point.

Keep flying, son. And watch that potty mouth!


I agree one hundred percent with your choices....i could barely breathe when Juste is dying of laughter, goes out, comes back and after one look at Pignon, starts all over again...

and the part with Cheval is hilarious..the whole exchange....!

this is my absolute favorite funny film of all time


When Marlène has arrived and Pignon is explaining himself ,,, ohh God... and Juste can't contain himself laughing ... it cracks me up.


"Vous faites peine à voir, on dirait un cheval qui a manqué une haie. On vous abattrait sur un champ de course!"

"On a les droits! Et pour pas cher, en plus!"

"allez l'OM allez l'OM allez"

- "c’est effrayant, ça, tous les types qui font de la planche à voile piquent la femme de leurs amis alors !
- Mais je fais pas de planche à voile, vous allez me lâcher avec ça !
- Bon sang vous faites pas de planche à voile? vous m’avez dit tout-à-l’heure que…
- Je n'en fais pas assez pour piquer la femme de mes am… mais qu’est-ce que je raconte moi?"

"Il est content! Ça sonne, et il est content!"

"Dites-moi d'appeler Cheval!"

"Il est méchant Monsieur Brochant! Il est mignon Monsieur Pignon!"


"Dès que y a un jupon à l'horizon, il devient fou !! Oh le cochon !! ... Je le connais le cornard ?"


I love the moments where Brochant looks in bewilderment at the flagrant stupidty of Pignon. His marvelled facial expression is priceless.

I also liked the bits where Leblanc can't stop laughing at Brochants misery.


I love the football chanting scene.
