Destiny or Illusion?

In the Movie, Vanessa Redgrave comments at one point that "..Illusion must be the scent of whats real coming close..." I was just curious what interpretations everyone might have on this quote.

At this point in the movie where the comment is made, Dana and Sean are both questioning whether their 'encounter' and 'feelings of belonging together' are merely an illusion. Redgrave says that their 'needing' to be together is very real and that they need to embrace it rather than discard it because all feelings happen for a reason and they should just go with it.

If you believe in destiny then it would not be good to turn away from your true life path..If you don't believe in destiny then following your feelings in such a manner means just a bunch of chaotic experiences in your life.
What is your opinion?


I definitely believe that you must follow your heart whenever possible. But you must be sure it is your heart and not just your ego or your body misleading you. People who stay in relationships that are no longer working are cheating each other (whether they actually "cheat" or not). If a married person truly falls in love and feels a strong pull toward another, it is a sign that the marriage is in trouble and counseling is suggested. After counseling, if the feelings for the other person are still extremely strong, then the marriage should be ended BEFORE pain begins. BEFORE fighting begins. BEFORE hate begins.
Children inviolved? Well, my personal belief is that people who stayed married "for the children" may simply be using that as an excuse because they are too scared or lazy to start over. Or they don't want to let go of money. I ask myself: What would I want my parent(s) to do? Stay married (unhappily) for me, or end things civilly and move on? I say the latter. After all, what example of love and marriage are couple giving their children if they fight, ignore each other, have separate social lives, etc. People are so quick to dismiss the value of "romantic love" as if it is a childish whim. Romantic love is a very, very strong emotion. Romantic love creates much happiness and joy. Without romantic love, how many lovely songs, paintings, poems, books, and movies would there be?
