Really hard to watch

I really liked the actress who played Shelby and the character itself, so it was hard to see her die and on the table getting judged. I know it's "Hell Week" and people get worse but that doesn't mean it wasn't hard to watch women up there in bras and panties crying as other women hurl insults at them -- thunder thighs!! -- and circle all the things the latter see wrong with the formers' bodies. I know the movie as is wouldn't exist without it, but I wish she hadn't died.

It was interesting seeing Sarah Chalke as an antagonist, though.
And the scene where she was telling Hilary Swank's character that she didn't get in because she didn't want it badly enough, and they all yelled surprise!! -- First of all, I thought that was a disgusting and mean surprise. Secondly, Sarah Chalke's character was right. She DIDN'T seem to want it enough. She hardly showed any emotion about it, and when the pledges were scrubbing the floor with toothbrushes, she was barely doing anything, like yeah, whatever, who cares if I get in.


I know this is old but the problem was she was too smart to be a desperate pledge. It wasn't disinterest it was adult thinking. Usually 18 year olds are still kind of naive but she just wasn't. Hence her reaction to all the ridiculous, immature, hell week crap.
