MovieChat Forums > Doctor Dolittle (1998) Discussion > whats your favourite part?

whats your favourite part?

i love the part where the dog is going in to the vets for the snip.


i like the bit also at the vets when the woman is SCREAMIN at the dog LIE DOWN CHANCEY LIE DOWN!!!!!!!!!or something like that and also when he goes to the dog pound and theres these dogs sayin stuff like i am khysa sochei or somethin like that that was quite weird and theres this other dog thats like pick me or something like that.


Thats so mean they outta just go home and forget about it. Makes me wonder why they want him fixed in the first place.


the best is The guinea pig dancing at the song 'get won tonight'.



I have a fox-terrier. And, naturally, my favourite scene is the one with the compulsive dog. The cute little fox-terrier who wants somebody to give him the ball. Why? Because it describes in just a few seconds the whole nature of fox-terriers. My dog does the same. If the balls are lying all over the room, he takes no interest in them. But once you pick up one ball,.... he will jump on you (just like the dog in the movie - and at that height!), bark at you, plead, beg.... anything! Until you throw it to him. And after that, he's the happiest dog ever! :)



the hamster dancing parts.

and when lucky goes into the bedroom while he's getting a massage and go 'yeah baby' !!!





Definitely the dog with the ball. "AM I ALONE HERE?"

Well, this sucks.

