The coughing scene.

Out of curiosity, in that scene where that man in the courtroom was constantly coughing so badly that he was unable to say anything (also, in court, under those circumstances, can they maybe get someone to write it down instead?), was it because Al Pacino's Satan somehow magically caused him to cough so badly, or, was his cough so bad for other reasons?


Iin the previous scene, the defendant organised it with the tongue and nails using voodoo or something.
"With this tongue we create silence. I will give you all the help I can"


So in that case, he ALSO had supernatural powers then and Milton wasn't at all involved, right?


Suspect the offering of tongue and rusty nails appeased Milton, so he followed up and organised the frog in throat.


Also, even when he was coughing in court, could they maybe not get that man to WRITE something on paper as opposed to just letting him walk out and not take any of his statements, if what he had to say was crucial to the outcome of the case?
