I don't get the end.

At the end of the movie how did they end it with Michel's charcter pointing a gun at the officer?


I guess as the guard leaned closer to give him the info on the kid, he grabbed the gun, thus setting up a possible sequel. A sequel could be done, set with the older Matt chasing McCabe.


I think that they set up the end with the possiblity of there being a sequel to the film, unfortunately the film didn't do very well at all at the box office, and got horrible reviews, hence no sequel. Desperate Measures is among the top in my favorites. I feel that Michael Keaton did an incredible job, and that it is one of his better films. I would've loved it if there would've been a sequel.


Obviously there's an opening for a sequel with the end the way it is, but I'm not convinced it was created for that purpose. To a large extent we want Michael Keaton to get away; the only thing that prevents us from condoning it (as an audience) is he's yet to donate the bone marrow to Garcia's kid. Once the marrow's been transferred, it's time for a pickup and some proud mary.


One problem. After the stunt he pulled they would have more security around him
and him juiced up on more meds that he wouldnt know his name till he was back in the jail hosptial. but besides that it was great ...


Nah, I don´t think any sequals were planned, even if it was ranked #1 at the boxoffice in 6 months. It´s an open ending, agreed, but Peter McCabe is such a cult character, that it would be wrong to kill him in the end. And besides, a sequal would not make it any different than other "police chasing badguys" flick.. What makes this movie interesting, is that Andy Garcia have to break the law, to keep Keaton alive. Now, that´s a brilliant idea.
*beep* it, did that make any sense at all?


And why exactly do we want Michael Keaton to get away? Is it because you like the actor? The guy plays a criminal/murderer in this movie and does nothing that would make us root for him. Infact his refusal to donate bone marrow to the dying kid made his character seem far more evil than your regular criminal. I kept cursing Garcia for helping him get away on multiple occasions when the cops had his cornered, just to save his damn kid.

What surprised me most was that it took all the cops in the city plus the SWAT team to catch this one guy (even though Garcia was the one who did it) but after all that ruckus they assigned only one fat cop to keep an eye on the guy in the hospital? Unbelievable.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin


Seldon -- good point - or if we let our imagination soar a little bit further, we can think of Matt growing up to become a criminal/murderer like McCabe;
remember in the beginning of the movie he opened up to his father about the idea of McCabe being inside of him after the transplant, this sort of frightened him.

Also towards the end when McCabe was escaping he told Matt they will 'share genes'. So, if the producers stick with those pointers, they can come up with an interesting sequel to this movie.


Dude andy garicia gave him the the keys to the cuffs. Remember he says "Thank You for saving my son" and michael keaton gives him wierd look. At least thats what i think but i could b full of *beep*


I can´t even remember that part.. Hell, I better watch it again very soon.


Following the success of The Silence of the Lambs, a lot of thrillers ended with the psycho getting away. Like with slasher movies, we were supposed to root on the killers: it was cool to cheer on their actions.

In a way, Peter McCabe is the real hero in the movie, simply because he's the only one who goes under a character change. Connor is a cop obsessed with his son's health at the beginning of the film, and he remains that throughout. There's no character arc for him.


I always thought that this was a sort of prequal to Pacific Heights with MK. Both his characters are insane, and in PH, it could be McCabe hiding after getting away. Also, both titles kind of mean the same thing (doing crazy things to survive) so that's what made me originally think this. I could be way off though.


Yeah, he really did remind me of his character in Pacific Heights. He was one awesome villain in here as well.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


Was I the only person thinking that police officer was an idiot for leaning in so close to a potentially dangerous criminal? To whoever said there should've been more security watching over McCabe is right to some extent, they should've had him restrained in that hospital bed and ensured that the officer(s) staked out knew of his past so they wouldn't let their guard down. After all, it was a PRISON hospital. But, we've got to keep in mind it's just a movie that's meant to entertain which to me, it did.

