MovieChat Forums > Desperate Measures (1998) Discussion > Should prisoners be forced to do transpl...

Should prisoners be forced to do transplants/donors?

A prisoner like Pete violated and denied pretty much all of his victims their rights...why should he remain to keep his right whether or not to be a bone marrow donor. It's not like he would die from it or lose a limb.

I just think prisoners like him should be forced to be donors as long as they don't lose an organ or limb, especially if it's to save a life.

Wayne Enterprises buys and sells companies like Stark Industries


No, because prisoners still have some rights and it shouldn't be any other way. They lose a lot of them for their crime, but they are still human, and they still have basic human rights. It's absolutely horrifying what some victims of crimes go through, up to losing their life, but we aren't criminals and we are held to a higher standard, which should mean protecting everyone's rights including prisoners. Where would we draw the line? Do we have the right to force them to put their life at risk? Not to mention, it would be a huge security risk. It is a huge ordeal just to get a prisoner to the hospital ER while protecting the prisoner and the other patients and staff. Plus there would need to be a lot of manpower in an already overwhelmed system. I just don't think it's right at all to deny them basic human rights, and even if that was reasonable, which it's not, it would be completely impractical.

"Everybody lies.."


I said as long as they didn't lose a limb or organ...basically as long as it was non-threatening to them.

I feel when you repeatedly deny others their forfeit your own.

Wayne Enterprises buys and sells companies like Stark Industries


There is no transplant donation that is completely non-threatening. Going under anesthesia is always a risk as is any invasive medical procedure. There's always a risk of infection, complications, even up to death. A person does lose a lot of rights if they violate someone elses', but we do not take away their right to choose what to with their body for something like this. Like the sentence or no, they are in prison paying their dues as required. And believe me I know the system is broken, but we who impose the sentence must be held to a higher standard and protect basic rights. Where would it stop? How bad does your crime have to be in order to take away your right to decide what. Happens to your body? A thief? A murderer? A drug dealer? And, how far should the procedures go? Just blood? No, ok bone marrow. Well, that worked out, so maybe kidneys also since we have one to spare. This would be a huge can of worms we don't want to open. Not to mention the safety of the staff, other patients, and guards.

"Everybody lies.."
