What gargage

I enjoy Woody Allen films, as a whole, and rented this one thinking it would be a nice treat. I was wrong. I found the film to be crude and humorless. When it got to the part where the Demi Moore character was thanking God for the blow job she was about to give Harry, I realized the movie had reached a dead-end.
So I turned it off.

Woody: raunchy is one thing; trash is another. You wasted your time on the latter here. I give this film a 1 because I can't give it less. Can't believe this came from the same mind that gave us Manhattan and Annie Hall, and Mighty Aphrodite, to name just three.

Everyone else: Save your money and see just about anything else.


Wow! Do I disagree with you. I went to see this movie opening day and thought it was a wonderful film. One of Allen's funniest films of the 90's. The scene with Demi Moore you mention I thought was funny. In fact I remember it getting a laugh with the audience. I think the problem was you didn't quite know what to expect with this film. As far as language goes and context. Now that you've seen it, try watching it again, but, with an open mind. You may enjoy it.
As for "humorless", you mean to honestly say you did enjoy the part where death comes to the door and takes the wrong guy. "They always have an excuse!" Or the opening scene "Boy! You must really like onions." Or how the characters in the movie get confused and name the characters in Harry's book instead.




I am generally a big fan of Woody Allen, but you are apparently of sterner stuff than I. I turned it off before the scene you described.


You have to watch the whole movie before judging anything, the part with Robin Williams is just genious. Harry block cant function in life, what better way to show it than to show a crude raunchy succesful writer. His success comes from secrets he could tell no-one, but ironically tells all. His life is his art, his art is the way he thinks the world should happen. I think a bold movie such at this couldn't of been better. I can't understand how people always revert to such movies as Annie Hall when they dont seem to like something Woody Allen has done. Watch all his movies and notice that all are different to each other. Woody Allen is genious no doubt. If anybody can tell me who else has wrote 33 original movies please tell me.


Gargage eh?

I enjoyed this film much more thoroughly than Mighty Aphrodite.

I can't believe it only has a 7.1 on this site. A fantastic film.

The DVD about nothing arrives on November 23


I am shocked at what I believe to be one of the funniest, satirical films I have ever seen. The laughs are non-stop and tasteless at times. But only a master of invention such as Woody can have compassion for himself, a misogynistic narcissisist, and accept his limitations-"can't function in real life so functions in his imagination in his books." Woody's attention to subtleties such as Robin Williams' "not in focus" scene to the outrageousness of a murdererer eating his victim to destroy any evidence of foul play are only a taste of his brilliant scope and range in this time-tested classic.


Pathetic posts like this are the ones that make me regret even reading this awful IMDB message boards. I mean, I read the titles, I say "this person must be joking, obviously", but no. Someone actually hated this great movie, and "I give this film a 1 because I can't give it less"? Gah.


Great, the morality police is here. Just because a film offends them, they think they've stumbled upon grounds for a boycott. You know, this film had a lot of the color red in it it. I hate the color red. EVERYONE BOYCOTT THIS MOVIE!!!!!



Yes, gargage.

Your eyes can be so cruel, just as I can be so cruel.-Labyrinth



I didnt like this film much either, at least it wasnt what I would expect from woody allen, I cant understand why it was nominated for Best Screenplay while other better films done by Allen after this one like Sweet & Lowdon and Hollywood Ending werent nominated.
Although the film contains some very funny scenes but they are not enough to make this film like one of his other masterpieces.
By the way I think you have to continue it anyway because it is not that bad, one of it's funniest parts is when Harry goes to his sister and starts recalling the book he wrote before, that separated him from his sister and brother in law.
I would give this film 7 out of 10.
