utterly worthless

this film was a complete and utter joke, but without the laughs. i cauldnt wait for it to finish and frankly i hope this is not normal for Trauma's output. the story was non-existent, unoriginal, uninspiring and utterly pointless. it added nothing to the genre it was trying to emulate/parody (choose whichever) and ultimately left me wondering about the wasted 90minutes i'd just witnessed. avoid like the plague - you have been warned.


It was still 1000 times more entertaining than Scary Movie :)


I personally didn't find it funny, but I can see how this could work for someone around 10 years old. The humor was somewhere between a typical sitcom and a Saturday morning cartoon complete with goofy sound effects. I wouldn't recommend this to an adult, but I can see how a preteen could enjoy this.

"Let's make some art!"
