MovieChat Forums > Dark City (1998) Discussion > You know one of your favorite movies has...

You know one of your favorite movies has been forgotten when...

...its title is appropriated by another production.

If you attempt to search for this movie, you will find at the same time something else entitled "Dark City: The Cleaner". No, this is not a reboot, remake, or "further stories from the same universe". It is instead a New Zealand production about a serial killer (yawn!) based on a series of books entitled The Cleaner. I guess to sell the idea, they needed something a little edgier and more descriptive than just The Cleaner, so someone came up with Dark City: The Cleaner.

I realize there is a finite number of words/phrases one can throw together to entitle a movie/series, but Dark City (the movie) is only 26 years old and has a very distinct and passionate following. One would think the showrunners might have done just a little research when attempting to come up with a gloomy, morbid title. Needless to say, I won't be watching the series.
