Malkovich's Directing

I find John Malkovich to be a fascinating actor. He has proven himself to be musically apt as well, but his acting has always stood out. I plan to watch this movie...the reviewers seem to deem it mediocre, but I guess my personal fascination with the man has overwhelmed my judgement. I would like to know, from those who loved it, those who liked it and those who hated it, how Malkovich's directing is. The premis seems interesting (if a bit zealous) and the acting (in the trailer anyway) seems to be adequate to good quality. I am in India, so I have limited immediate access to this movie. Please comment. Thank you.


Like you, I am fascinated with Malkovich's acting, especially in "Ripley's Game" which I saw on its release in New Zealand but which has not even had a cinema release in the USA ... but it IS now available on dvd so do youself a favour and get that if you want to see Malkovich at "the top of his form" ( saw "The Dancer Upstairs" a few days ago and was greatly impressed by the acting (Javier Bardem is always marvellous) and by the direction....Malkovich seems to have a flair for excellent angles and, if he had a say in the editing, that aspect of the movie was terrific....there are some rather implausible items in the plot, so Nicholas Shakespeare could have tightened the screenplay up somewhat. But the audience was gripped and very attentive to the entire film and I certainly recommend it to you. The reviewers on "Rotten Tomatoes" website have, indeed, been very mixed in their opinions of the film, so "what's new?"....I have always liked to make up my own mind about any movie, but then I am a great fan for "Heaven's Gate"!!! the way, "The Dancer Upstairs" is already available on dvd from ""


I saw "The Talented Mr. Ripley" a long while ago, and I never heard of its sequel. The best thing about Malkovich is he not only presents depth of character, but also showcases a vast scope of talent. Like DaFoe (sp.) and Day-Lewis, this man can play anything. He can master any role from a photographer for the New York Times on assignment in Cambodia to an outraged, twisted and down right nefarious convict high-jacking an airplane to a gentle, but slightly mentally handicapped out of work drifter looking for meager wages during the depression. I personally enjoy seeing his "evil" roles and, thus, hope to see "Ripley's Game." Sorry, like I said, I am fascinated with Malkcovich's acting. All the same, thank for your information on "Rotten Tomatoes" and I plan to look into purchasing this title (referring to "The Dancer Upstairs") in the near future.

PS: Please excuse my misuse of quotes pertaining to movie titles, I don't how to underline text on this site.

