Box picture ... in movie?

First, i think "Dancer Upstairs" was the best film of 2002.

I didn't find it slow at all; rather, there was so much going on onscreen my mind was reeling.

It is a thoughtful film, and you have to pay attention, and it helps if you bring something to it, like thoughts and feelings about issues like justice and terrorism and restraint v. explosiveness.

Just had to say that ...

In any case, the box, and the ads, featured Yolanda with a red robe around her derriere, and Bardem kissing her in that garment.

in the movie, she doesn't wear the red robe until the closing scene, where the big arrest takes place. And, in the version I saw, a DVD, she and Bardem do not kiss, and the robe never ends up around her derriere.

Did that scene ever appear in any version of the movie? And, if not, why did it appear on the box and in the ads?


Good Question. That's why I rented it. But I'm dirty like that.



someone yell SPOILER! really loudly.


Rajas kisses Yolanda before, and outside, when he brings her home. Then he apologizes, and she states that a relation is an impossibility. I think she refers to Rajas having a wife and child - or was her mind filled with the dancer upstairs?

"When there is no more room in the oven,
the Bread will walk the earth."
