Nina Simone

Does anyone know where I can find the live tape of Nina Simone they are listening to in the car in the beginning and when it plays "Who Knows Where The Time Goes" at the end? Her version is amazing.


The song was credited in the film to her BLACK GOLD album, which is only available on import, I believe:

What's more interesting is that I think it is from this concert film which was videotaped in 1976, but never released until 1998. I saw it at FilmfestDC and she was as cracked out as ever, giving the same long intro to her songs and chastising any audience member who dared to stand during her performance:

Nina Simone: Love Sorceress

Rene Letzgus
France, 1998, 65 minutes, COLOR

By the time this 1976 Paris concert was filmed, “High Priestess of Soul” Nina Simone had already left the United States for good, disgusted with American show business in general and racism in particular. And though eccentric, her galvanizing performance in front of an enthralled crowd is the typical mixture of blues, jazz, soul, pop, and folk that renders hers one of the most distinctive and important voices in the entertainment world. Alternately confrontational and seductive, she croons at the piano and veers into mid-song monologues. “This isn’t so much a concert as a work of performance art,” wrote Chicago Reader film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum. “One of the best I’ve seen.” Now Washington can see it too.—Eddie Cockrell


awesome level of responce in eddie's post!

... while anyone could do a keyword search on the performer' name (let's assume that most people have enough sophistication to recognize her voice), IMDB is well served with a 'goto' guy like eddie cockrell who turns up a ket piece of discography that would be known only to a conaisseur or good luck (he saw the performance at a film festival).

but this actually calls attention to a deficiency in the imdb .... the lack of any proper treatment for the score and soundtrack as an important bibliographic element in the IMDB.

it seems that soundtrack info is contributted by readers as "fun stuff" - not a core part of the information (presumably provided by the production company itself).

this issue should be addressed by the webmaster here on the messegeboards!

anyways ... while the posted performers do not reflect the on-screen credits, here is one more tidbit: the name of the production company is Lola Films, and the soundtrack says Loca Records ... but there is no reference to the film at ... so that's a bummer.

cheers: david

somewhat OT: it is too bad the quality of the other contributions (about this film, at least) is not on the same par as that of the nina simone performance information by eddie .... before asking questions, maybe some of you guys should google the reviews just get a quick heads-up ... some of the discussions about politics & philosophy for this film are so 'high school' that it's not funny (eg one poster's explication of Kant is so mistaken that one is embarrsed to be even reading it! ... on the other hand, the discussion of both 'time' and 'dancer' both offer useful clarifications ... however, it also worth noting that some of the ''zine reviews via google are also completly ill-informed (one of them whined for nearly the whole review about why was the film did not explain the background for the terrorism - when the film presupposes that the mise en scene is the Shinning Path in Peru).

basically, it would be nice to see a bit more refined level of contribution, and a little more juicy bits like eddie's gem about the nina simone concert -- which is not covered in the IMDB itself!)


Does anyone have an mp3 of this track?
I really like it too but dont know if I want to buy an import album for 1 song!
Or is the rest of the album as good?


My CD of "Black Gold" has what seems to be a copy of the original LP backside copyrighted 1970 on RCA.


Anything that Nina Simone touched turned to gold...and couldn't go wrong with ANY of her CD's. However, if you want the want to spend as little money as possible....then you can buy her "LOVE SONGS" CD at CDNOW.COM for under $10.00. There are some other FANTASTIC songs on this CD as well...and...the sound quality is excellent.


Hmm: I can't find the studio version of "Who knows where the time goes", so could you sexy guys please tell me on what CD I can find it? Is there any?

Thanks! :o)



Two versions are available for download on iTunes
