Does Dancer Texas Exsist?

Im from Texas and looked every-where in our maps to see if there really was a town called Dancer, but I guess it was just made up for the movie. If any knows if there really is a Dancer Texas then post about it.


No it's a fictional town.


Dancer is indeed a fictional town, but the movie was filmed in Fort Davis (pop. 1164), the county seat of Jeff Davis County in the Big Bend, which is a lot like Dancer. In fact I know two guys who moved here because they saw the movie.


I live in Providence, RI and while I love the history of our city, I hate everything else about it including the fact that I don't really know my neighbors.

I ache for a town like Dancer and ofter watch "Wiloughby" episode of the Twilight Zone.


Hey if you'd really like a town like dancer, move to any town in Ireland, and you're set. This is a really good movie.

Do you think a nice cool mint would help if I shoved your head up your ass?


Dancer doesn't exist, but, being from Texas, I can assure you it's easy to find a town just like it.


no it doesn't exist. I live in a small town about 30 minutes from fort davis where it was filmed


There are many small towns like this in TX, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri & Im sure all states have a few. I am from a small town in Oklahoma (not as small as Dancer, but small). We moved away when I was 13 & am so glad we did. I would hate to still be living there. My stepdad was from a town in Missouri, well the state line between Missouri & Arkansas went through the town so it was actually in both states. It had about 75 people last time I was there, many years ago.


Of course Dancer Texas is real.

You should have checked Google, or Google maps, or Wikipedia.

Or, keep scanning the Atlas of Texas.

It's a big state, 254 counties; not surprised you missed it.

Good luck!
