Anyone Not Like Marco?

Nothing against Rufus Sewell, but I thought Marco was a total prick in this film. I found him to be selfish and irritating, and in his less selfish moments, still irritating.

I personally found Minister Ramberti waaaay more interesting and attractive. But hey, that's just me.

Anyone else feel likewise?


Marco was a product of his time. He was born into a family that had wealth, but he also had to go into politics which he hated. He loved Veronica but couldn't marry her, had to marry a woman he didn't love because of his responsibilities. He had to see Veronica with all those men which wasn't easy.

When she was being tried by the inquisition, he was the one that stood up for her.

It's called a llaaaannce--Hellooooo


ditto on those thoughts Waterfairy. The poor dood couldn't help himself. I just got the movie and have only seen prolly half of it. So far I am thouroughly enjoying it. It helps that I love "period pieces".

Waterfairy.....luv ya signature......LOL


i am with you on Minister Ramberti! interesting, gentle, attentive. he reminded me a bit of Richard Gere. such a fox!!!


I could understand him telling Veronica that he couldn't marry her (if he'd been a bad guy he'd have shagged her and then left her unmarriageable). What got on my nerves was the way he treated his wife! So what if the only poetry she knew was the Psalms? I found being expected to sympathize with the guy pretty hard, and I thought the scene where Veronica swallows a banana in one go (to let Giulia know what she's doing to her husband's knob) was pretty crude and cruel, and not particularly funny.



I liked him for the fact, he truly loved her despite all the social obligations and was willing to give up everything, including his life. So was she.

Minister Ramberti was very charming,as was that 2nd shirtless hunk that came to the balcony with her, when Marco was yelling from the canal below.

Rufus has great eyes. I think they cast the part well.


I think the problem was the casting of Rufus Swell as the lead, his looks are quite odd he doesn't look like a romantic leading man this part should have gone to Pierce Brosnan( though im not sure if period piece clothing fits him, he is more of a modern suits and Tauxedos) or Brad Pitt.

Ive watched this film twice with different friends and they all loved the film but all complained about Rufus Swell as the romantic lead and had a hard time believing him as a good guy.
I understand directors like to take risks but the less they do with romantic leads the better, Rufus is the second fail the first was John Malcovitch in Dangerous Liaisons. I liked his performance but in the DL board there is a thread on how bad the miscasting of Valmont and Merteuil were done.

Close was a hit but Malcovitch a miss. I guess box office and audiences wise the only un typical leading man man casting which worked is Daniel Craig as James Bond but any other time they go un typical its a failure. Look at Charlie Hunnam fir fifty shades of grey the was just announced and all women were begging fir him to leave.

Women don't care for inspiring original edgy choices they want nice eye candy the swoon over, though I found an inspiring choice they liked: Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen they first hatted him but once the first film was released they all changed their minds.
