The Awakening

I didn't find any explanation in this forum so ...

I really like this movie and think it is superior to many others that have a higher rating. But there is one thing that bothers me.

Those two old men die (i don't remember who they are; the one with the wheel chair, and the other guy with the accordeon). They get laid in the attic, waiting there for several weeks, don't move an eye and get ice smacked in the face without moving a single muscle. And then they AWAKE!??!?

That movie is really strange and sometimes surrealistic, but never illogical - despite this moment. Everything in this movie might be very uncommon but real, but this is pure fantasy. It doesn't destroy this movie for me, but made the point that i didn't rate 9 or 10. What do you think about that?

Searching for a phrase to cite


it looks like a metaphor


You're right. It's pure fantasy. Did you think the rest of the film was gritty realism?


No, but he never claimed this!
Did you read his post?

He clearly said:
"That movie is really strange and sometimes surrealistic, but never illogical - despite this moment. Everything in this movie might be very uncommon but real, but this is pure fantasy."

Although, I personally don't have a problem with this scene, he has a valid point there.


It's gypsy magic. Remember the verse the old man chants before he "dies"?


Wasn't it only 3 days?

to light a candle is to cast a shadow


The gradfather absolutly did some kind of magic spell before "dying" so I did not think it illogical when they woke up. I fact i expected it.

Also they are not left in the attic for neither weeks nor days. (Even though they talk about leaving them there for a few days.) The grandfather "dies" on the morning of the wedding. The awakening is the next morning.
