MovieChat Forums > Crna machka, beli machor (1998) Discussion > want to see it.. but which languege is i...

want to see it.. but which languege is it in?

Hi, I know there are 4 languages: Bulgarian / Romany / German / Serbo-Croatian. But how are those languages divided throughout the movie? Is the movie mostly in German, with bits of the other languages? Or mostly in Romanian?


Romany is the Indic language of the Gypsies.

Romanian is the language of Romania, a country in Eastern Europe, east of Hungary and west of Moldavia and Russia. The Romanian language or the people have nothing to do with the Romany language. Romanian is a romance language (with Latin origin).

The movie characters speak in Romany, Serbian and Bulgarian - frequently switching between them.


I saw it today morning in a movie channel and they categorized it as GERMAN, the movie was really funny, great movie indeed..... I saw the movie in German with English subtitles.


I'm pretty sure there's Russian in it... When they're buying the washing machine. Or maybe I just understood whatever it was because it was LIKE Russian but I thought it WAS Russian, in that part. I couldn't figure out "what language it was in" either (I mean what to tell people if they wanted to know the main language of the film) but what does it matter? You watch with subtitles.

You know Romany and Romanian are not at all the same thing, right? I don't think there's any Romanian in this film. Romanian is a Latin/Romance language. (To me, it sounded a lot like French; but I've never studied a Romance language.)

Don't forget there's some English in there too. "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" :)


What are you talking about? Movie is in 95% Serbo-Croatioan. I have always watched it without subtitles.


Well if you speak those languages natively then I'm sure you can get by very easily in many other Slavic languages, especially ones that are extra-close to Serbo-Croatian (like Bulgarian). And I thought they spoke Russian in the washing machine scene, but I didn't say that was for sure. I just know I understood that scene more than other scenes (I speak Russian but no other Slavic languages, and usually have some difficulty with ones other than Russian and Ukrainian).


Indeed there are only a couple of lines in Bulgarian. Only the customs officer speaks in Bulgarian. There was also a song in BG, but you can hardly hear it, cause it is in the scene with the hair blower ( when Dada is doing his hair before the wedding ).
I'm a native BG speaker and I frankly admit that I could hardly understand anything if there were no subtitles.


Huh?! Romanian?! OP,I presume you've never ever heard Romanian. No, they speak Serbian most of the time, and like the rest of the guys here, I sense some Croatian. Two or three lines in Russian in one particular scene, and the same with the little Bulgarian at the customs scene.
