Questions about this film

Dear fellow IMDB users,

I have a few questions about this movie that I am not able to answer myself, so I've decided to turn to you film experts out there to see if you can shed any light onto these questions for me.

The first thing I am curious about, is where Emir Kusturica found most of the actors who starred in his film. I was looking to find information about the actors who portrayed Zare, Matko, Uncle Grga, and Zarije, but have been unable to find any information about those actors, whether from Serbian sources or international sources. Does anyone know if Kusturica simply hired local Gypsy performers/actors for these roles? My question is purely one of curiousity simply because IMDB doesn't have a great deal of information for most of the actors featured in this film.

My next question is whether anyone has any idea if Grga Pitic and Zarije Destanov are related in any way. The actors possess a familial resemblance, and in the movie Zare refers to Grga Pitic as "Uncle Grga". I figured that "Uncle" is more of a patriarchal title given to the mafia boss, but my interest drawn from their resemblance remains. Given that they are both older Gypsies from the same part of Yugoslavia (at least in the film, but perhaps in real-life as well), and considering that their family names are different, I would think that they could either be half-brothers or cousins if they have any family ties at all. Again, I was unable to find any detailed information about the fate of Zabit Memedov and Sabri Sulejmani, thus the reason for my question.

Finally, I noticed in the movie that when Zarije Destanov goes into his "dead mode" (not sure how else to describe it), Ida runs in and yells that "Grandpa is dead!". As far as I'm aware, Zare is the grandson of Zarije, so if Ida is his granddaughter then that makes her and Zare cousins? Again, I'm thinking that the use of "Grandpa" by Ida is more of a patrimonial title, but I'm just curious about the status of marriage between family members in Gypsy/Romani society, if at all existent.

Thank you to all who read and especially to those who might reply and venture some guesses or provide some more concrete answers!

