Looking for a movie

I'm searching for the title of a movie and I'm hoping someone can help. The film involves an artist painting a portrait of a beautiful young woman. His studio is in a rambling old house. Long passages of the film are devoted to the artistic process as he sketches, sculpts, and finally paints on canvas. In the end the artist hides the painting inside a brick wall for one reason or another.
I can't remember what language this film was in but I believe it was either french or spanish. It's a beautiful film, though, with as I mentioned long stretches of the artist simply being an artist.
Any help would be appreciated.


Could it be one of the variations of "The Picture of Dorian Grey?" In one of them Dorian Grey is a woman.
If you find it, please email me. It sounds lovely.


Dear Darryll-4,

the movie you are looking for is called La Belle Noiseuse from 1991, starring Michel Piccoli, Emanuelle BĂ©art and Jane Birkin and directed Jacques Rivette. Just follow this link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101428/

Hope this helped.

