MovieChat Forums > Career Girls (1997) Discussion > Just saw this year(2013)

Just saw this year(2013)

I got to see this movie on Sundance channel recently and I couldn't believe how much I liked it! It really is a great movie. I watch a lot of movies( duh, as most people on here do, lol) and this is one of those hidden gem type of movie. Great slice of life film! Even if you prefer a different type of movie, you should give this one a try-definitely recommend!


Yeah, to borrow a cliche--it really is a "slice of life".

It's so realistic (save for the "coincidences" that happen throughout the film, rather excessively for a short period of time in which they occur lol).

I'm also in my early 30s, and I don't wanna sound presumptuous when I say this film does capture my current life: In a state of flux, process... trying and waiting still, for something more.

That's what this movie is about, in a nutshell. And it does it so realistically.
