
How convincing is the scene with Curly and the Huskys??
:S I know it states very clearly at the begining no animals were injurured, but that scene, and the Curly's 'acting'......should have an Emmy for animals. It really looked like it was dieing


The abuse to the dogs was absolutely disgusting and anybody who knows dog behaviour and body language knows full well those dogs were abused. I don't care what they claimed, I believe my own eyes. When Buck was being beaten by that woman's brother he really was being beaten, you even saw the blows rock his body, he was hunched and cowering and licking his lips which is a clear sign of fear and stress, you cannot teach a dog to do this on command, they do not understand the intricacies of acting.
They should have been prosecuted for this.


Dude, you'd be amazed at some of the things you can teach a dog to do. I'm not saying you're wrong, but if you ever see a canine actor on the job, your jaw will drop to the floor over the things they understand.

Not all moments rule, but some moments do. -Scott Mosier


Yup. Besides, Rutger Hauer (who was a staunch lover of animals) witnessed much of the production and was pretty impressed with the dogs' abilities. Very good.
