MovieChat Forums > Bulworth (1998) Discussion > Liberal ? Sounds conservative to me

Liberal ? Sounds conservative to me

He said some conservative views in his campaign videos he is watching in the beginning

Maybe he leans liberal but said stuff about family values and welfare

I wanna see an obama movie and a bernie sanders movie
check yourself before you wreck yourself BOI!!


Yeah, he said those things because he was corrupt. Lol. When people say it's liberal, they aren't talking about the first minute. They're talking about EVERYTHING after that.

Although, 80% of republicans think we need to get money out of politics. So you could look at it as bipartisan. But then again, most republicans are racist, so they'll hate the "black culture" theme.


Most democrats want blacks staying on welfare so they can keep getting their votes. Johnson made sure of that.


I should have acknowledged that. Democrats want to enslave minorities with invisible chains while republicans want to enslave them with actual chains.


That's because he was trying to hold onto his office. Bulworth is a dinosaur of a senator about to lose his primary election against a more conservative Democrat in a time when California hadn't yet become an activist liberal state, so he's moved way to the right to try to save his a$$.
