Worth it?

I just bought this movie off ebay for $17, including s/h. DVD, widescreen, which I prefer, and no Spanish subtitles. Is it worth that?

I'm not usually a fan of happy endings, so a sad ending won't bother me.


I heard the negative reviews, I also heard a lot of positives. Suffice to say that this is one of the most moving films I have ever seen. For the last 20 minutes I just could not move.

Apparently there's a leak
The medicated state of mind you'll find is overrated


That was me, i was just using a friend's account before. i just watched it for the first time, and it was so worth it.


I think this movie has got to be one of the most touching and moving films I've ever seen... It's completely worth the money that you paid for it, and well... you'll just have to watch the movie, but all I can say is that it's amazing.


I bought The Brave recently, and have to say i was disappointed. It showed flashes of brilliance, and the subject matter was extremely intriguing, but it lapsed into melodrama far too often. This is something i did not expect from Depp, one of the most consistently brilliant actors of any generation. I went from watching Dead Man to this, and it just didn't match up. I think he should stick to acting.


It did dissapoint me a little bit, because of the melodrama, but all in all, it was definately worth the money. The only reason it dissapointed me, was because I had such insanely high expectations, since Johnny Depp is such a brilliant actor. Iggy Pop did an awesome job with the score, though. That was no dissapointment at all.


you ought to read the book this movie was based on. its utterly brilliant


I thought it was an amazing movie. 'Nuff said matey

Love ya


I wasn't at all disappointed... I thought it was brilliant. Other actors who have tried to direct films have done MUCH worse than this, so I wasn't expecting it to be amazing, but it turns out I was wrong.

You know some guys just can't hold their arsenic...
PMOTJDC est 03


this is a really great movie! it is very touching. when i watched it, i cried for the last half of the movie! i would definitely recommend this to any true Johnny Depp fan!

Cindy, why did you do this? You're sick, you need help! ~ Sam


Here, the DVD (16:9/DD5.1, plus trailers, interviews, behind the scenes documentary, etc.) costs more or less the equivalent of 10 USD, and the film is barely worth that.
