MovieChat Forums > The Brave (1997) Discussion > A couple of questions

A couple of questions

A few questions about this movie.

It's not available in the US? I mean, I can usually find ways of getting movies that are not available in the US so I'm not worried about that, but I'm just wondering so that I know before I go online and buy it for $20+ instead of $9.99 at Circuit City or something.

All right... I know this is a very silly question. I have seen my share of R-rated movies, and language, violence, drug use, thematic elements and sexuality/nudity do not bother me one bit. So that leaves........ is there any vomiting in this movie? I am not a fan of that, it usually leaves me feeling sick all night after I've watched a movie, and my friend's are all moaning about decapitated heads and I'm like bleah for a different reason. I don't think it would really stop me from buying this movie, but just so that I am warned.

The last thing is: I hear this is based on a book. Who is the author? And ... is it called The Brave?

Thanks very much...

I must be crazy to be in a loony bin like this.


I don't think the book is called The Brave, though I may be wrong. I also believe there is no blowing of chunks in this movie. Don't quote me on that last part though.

It's also not available in the US, but I got it for about ten bucks on ebay, from some guy in Oklahoma, though I have no idea where he got it from.


The book is called The Brave by Gregory Mcdonald. It's available on, I know I've just ordered mine from there. And no, I don't recall any vomitting in the film. The film has never been released in the US as Johnny Depp couldn't find a distributer at the time he showed it at the Cannes Film Festival but it is possible that with his recent popularity it will be released there.
