MovieChat Forums > The Brave (1997) Discussion > Is the original VHS available in the U.S...

Is the original VHS available in the U.S.? Please Help!

I just bought the Brave VHS on ebay, and the seller sent me a copy of the VHS. I thought I had paid for the original VHS of The Brave, but I thought maybe the original VHS of The Brave isn't available in the U.S.? Or is this a big rip-off? Please let me know if you have any answers, ASAP. Thanks!



The Brave, to my knowledge has never been released in any form in the US. Everyone I know who's watched it has bought a copy made in another country. It is also available in DVD format on ebay, but again they are made in another country.


It appears to be available at Tower Records for only $15.50

Seems authentic enough....


... except that it is the Region 2 version.

The Region 1 version is scheduled to be released, but no date is given. More info here:



I believe my DVD was made in Mexico. That's just what I got from what the guy told me, though he lives in Oklahoma.


I attempted to find this movie for quite some time. I found that it was available from a site in the U.K., but they required payment in pounds. So finally, I happened upon this website: [email protected]. This is a company in Santa Monica, CA that can locate any movie, anywhere, no matter what. They mainly do business with film and tv people, but they also sell to regular consumers like you and me. The owner told me that most of the copies of THE BRAVE that you find on eBAY and other sites are bootleg copies. The movie was never released in the US, so it is definitely hard to find authentic versions. This company sold me an authentic version on DVD (they also have VHS if you prefer). It wasn't cheap--$39.95. The quality of the movie is very good; it comes in a slim plastic CD case. Anyway, I was pleased with my experience with this company and thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I'm a huge Johnny Depp fan, but I can see why this movie didn't make it in the US. Some would say it's very slow moving and hard to get in to. Johnny plays a gentle, down-on-his-luck native American who hasn't had many breaks in life and has been beaten down so many times until you think he can never appreciate the good things right before his eyes. But then something happens that changes his perspective. I don't want to spoil the story, so won't tell any more. It's a very poignant story and quite moving. Hope you will have good luck in locating the movie.



I don't know if mine is authentic, but it was in the same slim cd case and it plays fine, so I don't see what the problem is. It also only cost ten bucks.


I have a feeling the only authentic copy you can get is from Europe. The only problem I have with that is the DVD is Region 2, and my DVD player only plays Region 1. I was all set to buy from the UK until I checked this out. Sucks for me. Hopefully they'll release a US version soon.


Why do you care if it's authentic or not? I've talked to people who have "authentic" copies, and mine looks the same, plays the same, and has all of the same features. It also cost less. It looks like I'm not the one who got jipped here.


do you have the copy with the asia writing on the front cover?

that seems to be the only one I can find on ebay...


Asia writing?


yeah....on eBay, the cover of the DVD has writing in asian...


I got my copy as a DVD from South Korea. It came with "The Man Who Cried", but it was called "The Piano II".

xox, Amanda


I think you can get in on, but it's region 2 so you'd need a universal DVD player.


Mine has writing in English on the cover and I bought it from a guy in Oklahoma. I got it awhile back, though.



Yes, has it for DVD. Acctualy its DVDr witch is a DVD copy. it is copied from the original one that was made. Its $13 before shipping. They can sell it because it was never released in America therefore never put under The American Copyright Law. Its good quality too.
--Red XIII
