Great Acting!!

It is very unfortunate that this movie didnt get enough respect of publicity!
Johnny Depp was great, but Marlon Brando's scene was near perfection. His talent didn't dwindle as he got older thats forsure!...



I have to agree with you.The film was brilliant and it was a shame, that it was recognised more widely, but i suppose that is not what Johnny Depp was after. He wanted to make a film, which he loved and had great fun making.


Great fun making? Johnny Depp did not have fun making the movie. He was on drugs at the time. Felt like he was being bombarded by people when he really wasn't. He had fired many crew members for no apparent reason. He told his producers that he would never direct again, and he hasn't. The movie was a disaster. You don't craft a story based on a guy thinking all the time. What the hell was he thinking? Well you never know, cause he barely talked throughout the film. Marlon Brando was wasted. His performance was terrible. Depp's was too. I don't think I found a single good performance in the film.



Really? Explain why you think so


as it turned out, this was marlon brando's last memorable performance. all he did after this was a zany performance as a swedish man in "free money" and a lackluster, i'm-just-here-for-to-recite-lines performance in "the score". kind of haunting that his only scene in this film was entirely about death.


It was hardly memorable from Brando, I'm a big Brando fan but he didn't give a *beep* in this film, he kept looking down at his lines too. And yeah, I agree, all Depp's character did was... think.


There is alot more to this movie then what us as viewers see... You have to look really deep to understand the true concept of direction-vision, im not a professional by any means but theres something about the movie that got to me. Granted, if a casual movie fan just sits down and watches this film, that cant get anything of it. Personally, Im a huge Brando fan, I own all of his movies, and his scene was really dark, and if he keept looking at his lines, he did it pretty convincing to me. That was apart of his art, he did that in Godfather, superman, a brunt of his films. He use to remember all his lines back in 50-60's, but he felt as a method actor, his character should act as if.. act as if hes living in the moment, and he would use his lines just for guidance. Anyways, I thought the movie wasent the best of all time, but it deserves alot more respect.


bullsh*t. it's a piece of crap. if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it's a damn duck. this movie seems to suck because it sucks. brando phones in his performance while obviously reading off a script with the worse makeup/hair job in the history of cinema, and johnny's trascendental dostoyevsky "thinker" is absurd since in film, you either need a voiceover or have the character actually say something!!!! geez. awful movie. the critics were right.


I really didn't think that the not talking was a problem. At least Johnny's skilled enough to convey his emotions. Voiceovers would have completely killed the impact of the film and made it pretty cheap. It's just more artistic than most mainstream films that are forced to command your attention at all times. I don't know anything about Brando, so maybe what you're saying about that is true, but i thought that overall it was a really striking film.


I agree - and think Depp should re-cut it, and release it in the U.S. Brando is very good in his scene.

difficult difficult lemon difficult.


Brandos five minutes in the movie were worth the whole 2 hours. i have no idea how he does it... what a BRILLIANT performance.


i agree, depp's performance was so great and touching. i didn't find Brando all that great but yea he was not so bad.

"The hardest thing in this world is to live in it."
