MovieChat Forums > Boogie Nights (1997) Discussion > Only reason this does not break the 8 ba...

Only reason this does not break the 8 barrier

Is the amount bloody American prudes on this site. Sort your lives out.

Yours sincerely,




You're trying too hard my friend. This film deserves a better rating and you know it, end of story.




This film gets better everytime you watch it it's the dogs I love it shame Burt doesn't like it some of his best work everytime I see the dance scene about 60mins in I laff my tits off but the hole thing is funny if you don't think to much into it it's just a film enjoy it life's to short


Actually, it kind of works the opposite for me. For a while this was my favorite PTA film and one of my favorites of all time. As I rewatch it, I like it less and less. It's still a 9/10, but it doesn't strike me as a true classic like There Will Be Blood or The Master anymore. But to each his own.


Best line in any film " my wife has a arse in her cock on the drive way "


I just didn't think it was very good. Kinda blah, in my opinion.


Hey, everyone: it's funny because the OP's premise is flat-out wrong, and here is the proof.

Ratings for Boogie Nights by US users: Average rating = 8.1

Ratings for Boogie Nights by non-US users: Average rating = 7.8

Fighting the frizzies, at 11.


That's pretty hilarious.


well yeah, OP is just some chip-on-his-shoulder jealous European. very typical of populations of countries struggling in power compared to nations actually IN power.



Actually that proves my point completely. Compare low rating percentages (5 or less): there is a greater portion voting these in the US than there is in Europe. Boom. The lower average only shows that europeans are simply less likely to go "omg so gud im gonna vote 10 coz PTA is so cool".

In baby talk: a greater percentage of you lot dislike this film because a greater percentage of you lot are complete prudes.


Compare low rating percentages (5 or less): there is a greater portion voting these in the US than there is in Europe.

Incorrect. Add up the percentages of the US users who rate Boogie Nights a "5" or less, and it comes to 5.8%. Add up the percentages of non-US users who rate the film a "5" or less and it comes to...5.8% as well.
The lower average only shows that europeans are simply less likely to go "omg so gud im gonna vote 10 coz PTA is so cool".

First you complain that US users are to blame for the rating being too low for your liking (which has been proven incorrect), and now you're making some excuse for Europeans (or others around the world) as to why they rate it low?  You can't have it both ways, dude.
In baby talk: a greater percentage of you lot dislike this film because a greater percentage of you lot are complete prudes.

You're not a fan of empirical evidence and data, are you?

Fighting the frizzies, at 11.


Wow, I've never seen someone be so completely owned before. So, in addition to being an ignorant anti-American tool, he's an ignorant anti-American tool who can't do basic math.


Actually I study maths at university - check my username and profile picture. In fact I study maths at one of the world's best universities. You can run back to mommy now.


Maybe it's time to study harder, then.

Fighting the frizzies, at 11.


Your user name and picture prove nothing, and you were taken to school.



Fighting the frizzies, at 11.


The low international rating is because they can't relate to such a uniquely American slice of life and culture. However, if you are actually familiar with the subject of the film -- the American porn industry in the late 70s as it crests its peak in terms of budgets, ambition, and creativity and starts to transition to the home video market -- it is beyond brilliant. It is sublime.

There may be others, but this is the only film I can think of in which dramatic irony is not just a device used for a particular scene but is instead the whole movie. All the characters view themselves and what they are doing in one way while Anderson depends on his audience viewing them in a different way. And that view doesn't just involve moral judgements. It involves the concepts of success and achievement in this country, the so-called American dream (think of the scene in which Buck's loan application is rejected). Non-Americans just can't fully get it because they don't participate in the culture that Anderson is playing with.


Lol what a cock... how does it feel to be a pretentious *beep*


Ok I'm finished taking a dump, watta did I miss?

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


next time on IMDB a bloody european prude sticks his foot in his mouth over and over again and fudges his math


What a load of crap, Europe. Sincerely, America.
