
I think Gwyneth did a great job in this. I started watching her movies after this one. And Lange...what a good freak!


Gwyneth did an ok job in this and Lange got nominated for a razzie enough said. As for the movie itself skip it 1/10




Indeed. Paltrow has made some stinkers! And I STILL don't get why she got an Oscar for that drivel, Shakespeare in Love. Oy. Paltrow shines in A Perfect Murder, but some of her early stuff is hard to watch.


She got the Oscar because she deserved it - certainly more than some other actors around. And SIL is a brilliant film. Sorry to hear it isn't your taste but hey, it is no fun if everybody likes the same kind of film, is it?



I've always really liked Gwyneth - this was not a great movie, but it was interesting. I thought she did a great job - especially the birth scene - I mean how can you watch that & not feel her pain?! She really sold it, especially for someone who'd never given birth before then. I always cringe at birth scenes b/c very few capture the truth of it really.

"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl
